30th November 2024
Dear Member
Important Preamble
This bulletin gives an overview on the many issues that are active in Backwell at the moment – more than most of us can remember.
The following points are relevant:
- There is more uncertainty than usual, with a new government
- North Somerset Council (NSC) is very stretched financially. This has affected its planning department and enforcement capabilities
- BRA and Backwell Parish Council (BPC) are working closely on these issues – sharing work and cost of consultants etc
- There is no immediate need for action for members to make public comments – but there soon will be! Bulletins will follow shortly where action is needed
- The short paragraphs below are supported by links for those wishing to read more. BRA and BPC, and some residents have spent hours looking at the detailed documents and being on site in many cases
- Backwell seems to be under threat as never before, so we need to be vigilant
- Please be prepared for a very busy 2025
Rodney Road (Ref 20/P/1847/OUT and 24/P/0533/RM)
Outline planning permission for building 65 houses was granted in February 2023, subject to conditions, some of which have been solved to the satisfaction of NSC.
Taylor Wimpey (TW) has put numerous technical documents on the NSC website in relation to the access, landscaping, tree protection, ecology, lighting, drainage. Meetings have been held on and off site. BRA / BPC, and our consultants, remain concerned about the safety of the access, and impact on Rodney Road and other already busy routes near the site.
Farleigh Fields East (Ref 23/P/2508/RM)
Works have been active for some weeks, both on the Farleigh Fields site, with much earth moving, and on the A370, where the road is being widened to incorporate the right turn lane from the A370 into the site. It has not gone smoothly!
During the recent heavy rains, water has entered some gardens on Farleigh Road from the building site. Muddy water has been to ankle deep level and has flowed into a garage. This has never happened before. One resident had to dig a gulley in his garden to divert the water flow. Local residents, BRA, BPC and NSC have, variously, spent time with Persimmon staff on site and with senior management. Tankers have been brought in to take water away. It also appears that the A370 is still flooding despite the installation of a short length of a new storm drain. NSC officers and Persimmon have promised to take further action to reduce the flood risk. We are sceptical but await prompt further action.
At some stage, Farleigh Road will become 30mph on its whole length from the cross roads to beyond The George.
Local Green Space (LGS) (on Farleigh Fields)
Options for the purchase and use of the designated LGS land are being actively pursued by the BPC Working Party. The timing of the decision is uncertain as Persimmon must formally activate the adoption. A key objective for our village is preserve this LGS for future generations whilst minimising any future financial liability on BPC.
Farleigh Fields West (Ref 24/P/1185/OUT) off Dark Lane
This application has been awaiting a decision from NSC. An appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate by Charles Church (Persimmon) against NSC’s failure to issue a decision within the appropriate period. The appeal inquiry is scheduled to start in 11th March 2025, and could last for 6 days. There were over 800 objections to the original application; these will be passed on and considered by the Planning Inspector. Members may wish to make additional comments to the Inspector or make a full comment if one was not made on the application. Our current view that there is a benefit in residents making a comment to the inspector – further guidance will be given in a BRA bulletin shortly.
The appeal reference is APP/D0121/W/24/3354477.
Comments may be given to https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk. The deadline for public comments is 24th December !! Key concerns are road safety and the walking route to school.
BRA /BPC commissioned an additional report from our highways consultant to counter a recent proposal from Persimmon to attempt to achieve required sight lines at the narrow entry into the site from Charles Church. Our consultant still concludes it does not create a junction meeting government safety standards.
North Somerset Local Plan (NSLP)
The new North Somerset Local Plan commenced its journey in 2020 with three stages of consultation. On 30th July 2024 the government announced a consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. This had significant implications for the NSLP in that it proposed a new mandatory standard method housing requirement, and a more relaxed approach to Green Belt protection. This has created a shortfall of 8,530 dwellings in the 15-year housing requirement between the supply figure and the new housing target in North Somerset.
NSC has stated that “there is sufficient capacity to address the shortfall”.
Public consultation on the possible additional sites is anticipated to take place early in the new year, for a period of 6 weeks.
The Executive Committee of NSC is meeting on Wednesday Dec 4th to consider an 11-page paper from the officers with recommendations on the NSLP process. It can be found on Committee Report NSC
Please note that the paper describes the methodology, but does not name any specific sites. However, it is expected that the Grove Farm development for 515 houses will be included.
Planning applications by Taylor Wimpey for 515 houses on Grove Farm (Ref 23/P/2618/OU2)
This application was received by NSC a year ago, and has not yet been determined. There were nearly 1300 objections from the public. TW is regularly adding documents to the website, which BRA / BPC is monitoring.
Application for 400 houses by Gleeson (Ref 23/P/1145/OUT)
This development is mainly in Nailsea’s boundary but would have a busy road access onto Station Road between the railway bridge and the entrance to Backwell Lake. A decision has yet to be made by NSC.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
National government has provided £48m for the project. There has been minimal consultation with residents, or value for money considerations for this major expense.
The BSIP Backwell presentation in November 2023 caused much uproar and real concern in the Backwell WI Hall exhibition attended by a large number of residents.
We understand that a revised BSIP Backwell is being prepared, evidenced by our roads and pavements seeing much coloured paintwork. We anticipate that the new scheme still contains the same features of the (poorly explained) concept at the Nov 2023 drop-in. BRA hopes that sufficient time is allocated for a full public consultation on a detailed explanation of the new scheme, and its pros and cons considered. This should include the option of rejection as well as “refinement” of their proposals. BRA will keep members informed with a further bulletin shortly.
Bristol Airport (BA)
It was only in February 2022 that BA was granted permission to expand from 10 million passengers per annum (mppa) to 12 mppa.
BA has now launched what they call a MASTERPLA N to grow to 15 mppa by 2040. It is seeking views on this via Welcome to our consultation up to the end of January 2025.
We encourage members to make a short comment on this consultation.
Issues you could include:
- Bristol Airport’s lack of infrastructure, no mass transit and associated pressure on minor roads
- Insufficient multistorey carparking which creates pressure with illegal & inconsiderate parking in communities
- Noise, particularly from extra night flights
- Environmental concerns
A formal application to NSC for the increase to 15mppa is expected during 2025. We will update members when this application is made. Please note that this will be the important consultation as your comment goes to NSC, the decision maker, in contrast to the currently open consultation which goes to BA.
Coles Quarry
Permission was granted in 2015 (Ref 14/P/0304/F) for 15 industrial units on the site of the old quarry, near the recycling centre. Nothing happened on this site until recently when contractors have been dumping lorry loads of material at frequent intervals to the site. Some of this is legal when it is part of work to prepare for the new units. However, some of this has been illegal. An on-site meeting was held on site involving BPC / BRA, our NSC councillor Bridget Petty and a NSC enforcement officer. Progress is being made to clear the illegal spoil and we would hope to see an end to the huge numbers of HGVs in the first part of 2025.
Parking Charges
At a meeting of the NSC Executive on 16th October, it was agreed to introduce parking charges in Nailsea, Clevedon and Portishead. In a complicated procedural move, two NSC councillors have “called in “this decision, which will be further debated on Wednesday 4th December. This can be viewed on 08 EXTRACT PEP 11NOV24 – for EXE.pdf
Backwell School All Weather Pitch (Ref 24/P/1406/FUL)
This application has been supported by BPC, provided some important matters are considered, including the times of operation of games, and mitigation of noise and lighting for nearby residents.
Finally, 2 items that are much less gloomy !!!!
Backwell Climate Action
Last June, Backwell Climate Action organized a walking carnival around the village from outside Spar in Rodney Road to the Playing Fields. The feedback afterwards was very positive so it is proposed to do it again in June 2025. Backwell Climate Action is looking for people to come forward to help with organizing the event. Can you give some time to help give all in our village an enjoyable afternoon at the end of June? For more information and to express interest please contact backwellresidents@btinternet.com
Offers of help would be much appreciated.
Stancombe Quarry
The Stancombe Quarry Community Fund has asked BRA to publicise the availability of funds for projects in Flax Bourton, Backwell or Barrow Gurney.
If your project has a clear benefit in terms of education, recreation, nature, conservation or sustainability and aims to deliver a lasting or a long-term legacy, then you can apply for a grant
The deadline for the next applications is 31st January 2025. For an application form or more information, please contact the Community Fund Administrator at stancombequarryfund@gmail.com
From your BRA Committee
5th November 2024
Dear Member
Local Green Space (LGS)
This bulletin concerns a topic that has been of interest to members in recent times, on which we are now able to give a partial update.
Two years ago, permission for the Farleigh Fields East (now called Farleigh Farm) development, included the following condition.
Persimmon should make an offer to Backwell Parish Council to transfer the LGS to BPC.
BPC has now agreed in principle to take up Persimmon’s offer to sell to BPC the two Local Green Space fields in the centre of Farleigh Fields (for a nominal sum of £1). The precise date for the transaction is not yet known but will be at some time before the first new house on Farleigh Farm is occupied.
BPC believes these fields can become a valuable and popular community asset for the village. The BPC Working Party includes several non-councillors, some of whom are BRA committee members. It is continuing to research several options for the future use of the fields, which will become clearer in due course.
From your BRA Committee
1st October 2024
Dear Member
The main concern for us all at the moment is the impact of the announcement from North Somerset Council (NSC) of the huge increase in the housing target for North Somerset in the period to 2040. This was the only topic of the BRA bulletin of 25th September 2024, and will require much thought and comment from members as the implications evolve during the next few months.
Meantime, residents may be struggling to keep up with current activities – let alone new ones that may come along! We hope this update will be of assistance.
Rodney Road (65 houses adjacent to the Scout Hut) – Application Reference 20/P1847/OUT
This application was granted by NSC in September 2022.
Reserved matters may be seen on 24/P0533/RM
Residents, BPC and BRA have expressed concerns, which Taylor Wimpey (TW) has been addressing. Meetings on Conditions & Reserved Matters (both on and off site) with TW and NSC officers have been attended by members of BPC and BRA and our district Councillor, Bridget Petty.
Drainage arrangements are close to agreement. However, several matters require further attention and amendments including landscaping and safety concerns at the vehicular entrance to the site, the Traffic Management Plan during construction and issues related to Rodney Road traffic, especially access to the site at School opening and closing times, remain unresolved. BPC has been pro-active in recent weeks in ensuring North Somerset’s planning officers closely monitor compliance with the relevant conditions. No start date on site has yet been publicised.
Farleigh Fields East – (90 Persimmon and 6 self-build houses) reserved matters – Application Reference 22/P/2818/RM
Members will have become aware over the last few weeks of the start of Persimmon’s housing development – with the new road access being carved out onto the main A370 road. The developer’s consent also allowed them to alter the opposite side of the main road to create the necessary sight lines. Work is already also well underway on the site infrastructure -much remoulding of levels – before any house building can commence. BRA is concerned that work has started before a number of Reserved Matters (notably drainage and anti-flooding requirements) have been fully approved, and these issues are being continually monitored. BRA and BPC have employed consultants to make our case, and are in close touch with local residents, NSC and Persimmon.
Farleigh Fields West – Application reference 24/P/1185/OUT
Persimmon (using one of its subsidiary companies – Charles Church) is seeking consent for 125 new houses on the westernmost of the Farleigh Fields, behind the Dark Lane houses. BPC supported by BRA put in a strong objection – principally because of the damaging effect which a new junction would have, part way up Dark Lane. Over 800 residents also submitted personal objections. Recently, Persimmon has offered an alternative junction arrangement, which would involve installing speed-reducing humps along Dark Lane. BRA and BPC commissioned an additional report from our consultant who still states that the revised arrangement does not create a junction meeting government safety standards.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
It is worth reflecting on the origins of BSIP. Finance was provided by central government to the West of England Partnership (Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council,) together with NSC for the purpose of BSIP. The NSC share is £48m. This highly complicated arrangement for funding, monitoring of schemes etc is covered in the following 132-page document.
Microsoft Word – West of England EP Scheme – V6.0 – June 2024 (westofengland-ca.gov.uk)
The Long Ashton bypass and Brockley schemes have been completed, with Woodhill (Congresbury) almost finished.
NSC produced its “Engagement Summary“ for “BSIP Backwell” available on Engagement summary report – Backwell BSIP scheme – April 2024_0.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
This seven-page document fails to put across the intense opposition to “BSIP Backwell” from over 300 people at the November 23rd 2023 drop–in session (many others could not gain access through overcrowding), with a further 350 comments in opposition sent after the event.
The BSIP team is currently developing a revised scheme for Backwell, which will be produced in time for a possible decision around December. We understand that the creation of a bus lane in Backwell has not been completely ruled out, nor has the suggestion of some closure of the exit from Dark Lane onto the A370, making it one way only. BPC and BRA have warned NSC that these are likely to meet very strong opposition from village residents, organisations and businesses.
From your BRA Committee
25th September 2024
Dear Member
Housing numbers for North Somerset increased by 8,530 to 23,805 homes
Following an announcement from the new Westminster government on the need for more housing, North Somerset Council published the following statement on its website yesterday. BRA will consider the implications for Backwell, and keep members informed.
Statement from North Somerset Council
The council is updating its draft Local Plan to identify potential new locations for development in North Somerset, to help meet the government’s new higher housing target for the district of 23,805 new homes over 15 years.
At the end of July, the government announced proposed changes to planning rules which significantly increases the number of new homes required in North Somerset. Read more in our previous news release: https://n-somerset.gov.uk/news/north-somerset-council-reviewing-local-plan
The council is now working towards identifying where additional development is possible at sustainable locations across North Somerset, outside areas at risk of flooding or other significant constraints.
The council will be assessing potential locations for new development using the following hierarchy:
- Development that maximises urban capacity, focusing on previously developed land and reviewing densities.
- Development at the towns (outside the Green Belt).
- Development at the larger, most sustainable villages (outside the Green Belt).
- Development in the ‘Grey Belt’ in sustainable locations. The government defines the Grey Belt as Green Belt which is either brownfield or makes a limited contribution to Green Belt purposes. The council is reviewing the Green Belt in North Somerset to identify which areas meet this definition.
- Development in the Green Belt adjacent to Bristol and at the towns.
- Development in the Green Belt at the larger, most sustainable villages.
North Somerset Council will be consulting on the potential locations to address the government’s new housing target in early 2025. This will need to take account of delivery and infrastructure issues, such as strategic transport improvements and the provision of other infrastructure.
After reviewing feedback, the council will amend the draft Local Plan and run a final round of consultation later in 2025, before submitting the plan for examination by an independent inspector.
Councillor Mark Canniford, North Somerset Council’s executive member who is responsible for spatial planning, placemaking and economy, said: “With the new government’s significantly higher housing target of 23,805 new homes over 15 years, we now have to find space for an extra 8,530 homes over the plan period.
“And as well as new homes, it’s vital we have the infrastructure, jobs and facilities in place to support this extra development. We will be looking to the government to help deliver the investment and policies to help us to do this.
“This is an enormous challenge and will result in new development being required in many new locations across North Somerset.
“Around 85% of land in North Somerset is at risk from flooding, part of the Mendip Hills landscape, high-quality Green Belt or protected in other ways for environmental or heritage reasons.
“With this in mind, we’ll try to maximise development in our urban areas as much as we can. However, the government have been clear that we need to deliver their housing target, even if that means development in the Green Belt.
“This will be a last resort, but because we have to find space for so many extra houses, this may be our only option in some cases.
“All our communities have a role to play here and should prepare themselves for potentially seeing more development in their area. We want to work closely with them on this. Please do get involved in the consultations next year and look out for further updates from us.”
For more information on the Local Plan, visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/localplan2040
28th August 2024
Dear Member
We hope you have had an enjoyable summer break, and think we should send you current information on a number of topics to bring you up to date.
North Somerset Local Plan (2025 – 2040)
The Local Plan was the subject of much activity, and opposition, in Backwell at the end of 2023 and early 2024, given the inclusion of 515 houses for Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm sites. This long, tedious, but very important process, will now take a break as far as residents are concerned. We are likely to very busy in 2025 making our views known on the revised Plan. Below is part of a press release from NSC issued on July 31st.
“Following the launch of consultation on the government’s proposed planning reforms, North Somerset Council is reviewing its draft Local Plan. The plan – which was first consulted on in 2020 and has been shaped by three more rounds of public consultation – was set to go out for a final round of consultation later this year, before being submitted for independent examination. This consultation will not now take place, pending consideration of the updated government guidance and any further work which may be required.”
Further details are given on the NSC website: North Somerset Council reviewing Local Plan | North Somerset Council (n-somerset.gov.uk)
Farleigh Farm East (90 Persimmon and 6 self-build houses)
Persimmon has commenced work on this project with the demolition of 54 and 56 Farleigh Road, and the creation of the entrance on the A370 to the development. There are still concerns over drainage/flooding and other matters which are being addressed as part of the “Reserved Matters”. BRA is monitoring these as they emerge, employing professional advisors when considered appropriate, and keeping in touch with NSC and Backwell Parish Council (BPC).
BRA, and some other non-councillors, are very involved in the BPC Farleigh Fields Working Party which is examining the Local Green Space on part of Farleigh Fields which BPC could buy. Options for its future are being given serious consideration by the Working Party.
Rodney Road (65 houses)
Taylor Wimpey (TW) has planning permission for these houses, adjacent to the Scout Hut. Serious concerns have been raised about the access and other matters which are being addressed at a very slow pace by TW and NSC, and monitored closely by BPC and BRA.
Farleigh Fields West ( 125 houses proposed by Persimmon)
The outline application, with access created by demolishing 23 Dark Lane has NOT yet been decided by NSC. At the time of writing there are 800 public objections, and 10 in favour. The application can be viewed on 24/P/1185/OUT. If you have not yet given your comment there is still time to do so, since they are taken into account even if the technical “deadline” date has passed. An increase in this already impressive number would be welcome.
Consultant reports on Planning, Highways and Drainage have been commissioned to assist BRA and BPC in their objections.
The joint report from BPC/BRA may be seen in “Documents “, with the date August 5th, and the title BACKWELL PARISH COUNCIL COMMENTS. We hope members feel that this comprehensive report makes our case well e.g. the traffic implications of the development which are deemed to be very serious for residents and pedestrians, and particularly for school children.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
For the past few months, BSIP work has continued at Brockley and Congresbury, but BSIP Backwell has been quiet, with many residents hoping that it had gone away! This however is not the case! Recently there has been intensive activity by a team of people in orange jackets taking measurements on the A370, painting coloured lines from Dark Lane to the entrance to the new development at 54 / 56 Farleigh Road. Communications from the BSIP team to both residents and BPC have been lacking. Members may therefore appreciate a summary of the current position.
BSIP aims to create a faster flowing bus service on the main transport corridors to Bristol. For Backwell the original concept involved remodelling the crossroads by adding a short bus lane, making Dark Lane one way as well as the installation of transport hubs near Rodney Road and the Leisure Centre.
The online consultation for BSIP at Backwell commenced on November 13th 2023, with a drop – in session at Backwell WI Hall on November 29th. The consultation closed on December 29th 2023. Most residents were very concerned about the impact of diverted traffic if the proposal to make Dark Lane one way went ahead, and questioned the need for a bus lane.
NSC produced its “Engagement Summary“ for “BSIP Backwell” available on Engagement summary report – Backwell BSIP scheme – April 2024_0.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
This seven-page document fails to put across the intense opposition to BSIP Backwell from over 300 people at the drop – in session (many others could not gain access through overcrowding), with a further 350 comments in opposition sent after the event.
The “next steps” proposed for Backwell “over the next few months” (from April ‘24) concentrates on further analysis to make amendments to the scheme. The new line paintings on the A370 and the lower part of Dark Lane suggest that a bus lane will be included in the next proposal. However, the Engagement does say the BSIP team will undertake further technical research to explore options, without requiring a full one-way closure of Dark Lane.
BPC is pressing for a meeting with the BSIP team, as NSC has promised, once new proposals are available.
NSC also says that it will “determine whether further engagement or consultation is needed depending on what is proposed at that time”. BRA will insist that this happens if the new proposal retains elements of the original proposal, given the intensity of feeling at the drop-in session, NSC also states that it does not anticipate a decision to be made on the Backwell A370 junction before December 2024.
Backwell School – Creation of an Artificial Turf Football Pitch
An application has just been made for one of its football pitches to have artificial turf, with floodlights. The requested allowed hours of use are 08:00-22:00 Monday to Sunday. The application may be viewed on 24/P/1406/FUL.
25th July 2024
Dear Member
125 houses accessed from Dark Lane – comments needed by Tuesday 6th August
Persimmon (using the Charles Church brand name) has made an application for 125 houses on Farleigh Fields with access via 23 Dark Lane.
The BRA bulletin of 15th July gave details of this outline planning application to North Somerset Council (NSC) which can be viewed on 24/P/1185/OUT.
The NSC website gave an initial closing date for comments of Thursday 25th July. Responding to criticism for the inadequate period for comments, NSC has now extended this to Tuesday 6th August.
At the time of writing, there are 610 objections to the application (plus only 7 in support). This indicates a strong feeling of opposition in the village. Thank you to all who have made their comments – some quite short and punchy, others with useful detail. They all count and are important. If your household has more than person, please consider doing more than one response.
Many people have clearly responded, but if you have, not please give your views, however brief, on the application by using the “Make a Comment” tab on the righthand side of the opening page of the above link by Tuesday 6th August.
It appears that Bristol Water NEEDS TO CLOSE STATION ROAD COMPLETELY, from Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August to replace a lead pipe at Meadow Close. We are sorry we have been unable to check precise details.
15th July 2024
Dear Member
The BRA bulletin of July 1st (see below) gave details of the outline planning application to North Somerset Council (NSC) which can be viewed on 24/P/1185/OUT.
The NSC website gives a closing date for comments of Thursday 25th July. BRA and Backwell Parish Council (BPC) both made representations to NSC for this deadline to be extended, given it is such a major development – but to no avail !
At the time of writing, there are 180 objections and 5 in support of the application. This indicates a strong feeling in the village, but BRA thinks that the true number of residents unhappy about the proposal is much higher.
It would help the BRA case if more objections were made by the deadline. Please give your views on the application by using the “Make a Comment” tab on the right – hand side of the opening page of the above link by Thursday 25th July.
BRA included the map below in our July 1st bulletin, showing the relationship of the housing development accessed off Farleigh Road (which is approved subject to detail); the Local Green Space (on offer to Backwell Parish Council); and the land proposed for the new application of 125 houses accessed by demolishing 23 Dark Lane.
BRA and BPC are working closely to prepare objections to the proposal, with the help of consultants on Highways and Drainage / Flooding, as well as our usual planning adviser, Lucy White. Not surprisingly, the home owners in Dark Lane are very opposed to the development and distributed a leaflet to encourage all Backwell residents to comment on the Application.
The Leaflet can be found here FARLEIGH FIELDS Leaflet from residents
1st July 2024
Dear Member
Amazingly it is more than 2 months since we sent the last BRA bulletin to members. In the near future we will update members on the stages various planning developments have reached and will include our best understanding of the next stages of the North Somerset Draft Local Plan (2024 – 2039). However, this bulletin only concerns the latest speculative planning application for Backwell.
In April, Persimmon Group (using its Charles Church brand name) announced a public consultation for its proposal to build 125 dwellings on Farleigh Fields (West), accessed from Dark Lane. This has now been followed by an outline planning application to North Somerset Council (NSC) which can be viewed on 24/P/1185/OUT
BRA included the map below in our April bulletin, showing the relationship of the housing development accessed off Farleigh Road (which is approved subject to detail); the Local Green Space (on offer to Backwell Parish Council); and the land proposed for the new application of 125 houses.
The details of the application are best understood by looking at the document called “Design and Access Statement”, which is split into 3 files on the NSC website, and runs to 86 pages. It includes a contents page, and a site map, with sections on house design, house sizes and numbers, transport, flood risk, ecology etc.
Two features of the proposal which can be seen in the statement are the demolition of 23, Dark Lane to create vehicle access to the site, and a “pond” along the Farleigh Road boundary of the site.
Members may give their views on the application by using the “Make a Comment” tab on the right-hand side of the opening page. BRA, along with BPC, will be looking at the application over the next few weeks with help from our consultants, and will keep members informed.
The website gives a closing date for comments of Thursday 25th July, which we feel is totally unacceptable for people to consider such a major development. BRA and BPC will be proposing a significant extension beyond this date.
Members may like to consider the following issues:
- This proposed site is close to the centre of the village and will provide housing numbers for Backwell
- Traffic: There would be the one access point to the site from Dark Lane, just above, and opposite, the junction with Summerlands. The new access would interrupt the only (narrow) pavement up and down Dark Lane, which is much used by parents and children accessing the Junior School. Dark Lane already has serious traffic issues and this would add to them. Additionally, the only way for vehicles onto the A370 would be via the traffic lights, or from the two ends of Church Lane. Persimmon states it has carried out modelling which ‘confirmed that the development will not severely affect the performance of the (road) network’
- This development is not in the current Backwell Neighbourhood Plan, nor the current core strategy or the latest draft of the Local Plan 2039
- There would be a loss of agricultural land and an adverse impact on
- There would be an impact on the character of the Farleigh Fields area and the Local Green Space.
- There would be an impact on schools, medical facilities etc
- Flooding and drainage issues have been a feature of Farleigh Fields in the housing on this land will exacerbate these risks
Some of the above issues will be made worse with a cumulative impact, when the already agreed developments of 96 houses at Farleigh Fields (East), and 65 houses at Rodney Road are completed.
We will tell members when we hear of any change to the deadline date for comments. We urge members to make your views known, in your own words to NSC.
From your BRA Committee
Annual General Meeting
The minutes and appendices from the AGM held on the 23rd April 2024 can be found on the Other Information tab.
Other Information | Backwell Residents Association
30th April 2024
Dear Member
Farleigh Fields
Persimmon Group owns Farleigh Fields and has already been granted full planning permission for 90 houses in the NE of the site, plus 6 new build houses.
Farleigh Fields contains a Local Green Space area, which is the subject of an offer to Backwell Parish Council (BPC) to purchase it for £1.
These areas are shown in the map below
Farleigh Fields (West) NEW CONSULTATION
Charles Church (CC), (part of the Persimmon Group), has circulated a leaflet to some Backwell houses, outlining its proposals for development of one of the remaining Farleigh Fields, which is behind the Dark Lane houses. The leaflet can be found here Farleigh Fields Consultation Leaflet April 2024
CC has a duty to consult the public prior to submitting a formal planning application. Any comments made by residents go to CC, and residents may wish to do this.
If CC subsequently makes a Planning Application to North Somerset Council (NSC), residents will be able to comment to NSC. These comments are an important part of the decision-making process, and can influence the outcome.
This site is not allocated for development either in the existing 2015 Core Strategy, the current draft Local Plan 2039 or Backwell Neighbourhood Plan. Vehicular access to the site would be obtained by demolishing a house in Dark Lane.
BRA, together with the Parish Council, is currently assessing how best to respond to this proposal. We will keep members informed of any further developments.
How to Comment to CC
If you wish to comment at this early stage, the link below takes you to the CC Public Comment website, which includes more details of the proposal. There is a ‘Have your Say’ section for free text comments which will go to CC when submitted. Postal comments are also accepted (details in the CC leaflet).
CC has asked for comments by Monday 20th May.
Election of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon & Somerset
Backwell Parish Hall – Thursday 2nd May from 7am to 10pm.
There are 4 candidates for this post. Details are given in the link below.
BRA AGM Tuesday 23rd of April
Many thanks to the 118 members who came to our AGM last week in the 6th form lecture theatre at Backwell School. It was a very lively and informative meeting, with 17 questions asked during the Q and A session. We hope that BRA contributes to having an active and up-to-date village, which is important given our many current challenges.
Membership for 2024
Many thanks to every household which has given its subscription. If you have not paid your £10 for the current year, it would be much appreciated if you could do so as soon as possible, please.
From your BRA Committee
21st April 2024
Dear Member 21st April 2024
We always intended to send a final reminder to members just before our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 23rd April.
An extra reason for this bulletin is two events from last week. These are
- a delay in the progress of the Local Plan
- an update from the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
Draft Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
Members will be aware of this document from North Somerset Council (NSC), which caused much concern in Backwell with the inclusion of 515 houses on Grove Farm. This gave rise to the Save our Village campaign and leaflets to encourage residents of Backwell to navigate the complicated online consultation. Objections to the Grove Farm development were the most evident feature of comments from the public across North Somerset.
During the extensive period of preparation for the LP, the government has published changes to national planning guidance, affecting the use of green belt and housing targets. NSC will produce a revised draft of the LP in the summer, followed, probably, by a further public consultation. Current indications are that the new draft LP will not be significantly changed. Many residents would be pleased not to see the 515 houses for Grove Farm in the new draft, and will hope for this change. The announcement from NSC can be seen on
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
The online consultation for BSIP at Backwell commenced on November 13th 2023, with a drop – in session at Backwell WI Hall on November 29th. The consultation closed on December 29th 2023. Many residents have been very concerned about the impact of diverted traffic if the proposal to make Dark Lane one way went ahead, along with concern about the bus lane.
No feedback had been given to residents until a few days ago. However, there was a posting on the NSC website from Pegasus Group, the agents of Taylor Wimpey who wish to build on Grove Farm. In a letter sent to NSC Planning on 25th March 2024, Pegasus said it understood that NSC “no longer intends to pursue” BSIP at Backwell. This is not accurate, but is more information than was given to Backwell residents.
At a NSC meeting on 16th April 2024, our Councillor Bridget Petty asked the Executive Member in charge of Transport, Councillor Hannah Young, why developers were hearing about these matters before residents. She asked for an update and requested a swift response to residents.
The video of the NSC meeting can be viewed via youtube. BSIP is the first question 1.38 mins into the recording.
1:40 (1hr 40mins) Councillor Hannah Young responds followed by Councillor Bridget Petty asking specifically about Backwell and BSIP.
NSC has since produced its “Engagement Summary“ for “BSIP Backwell” available on Engagement summary report – Backwell BSIP scheme – April 2024_0.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
This seven – page document fails to put across the intense opposition to BSIP Backwell from over 300 people at the drop – in session (many others could not gain access through overcrowding). A further 350 commented after the event. We do not have access to the detailed comments – only the summary provided by BSIP.
What happens next
Information from NSC at the meeting, and from the NSC Engagement Summary, now indicates that:
- BSIP Backwell has not gone away
- NSC is not anywhere close to having explored the OTHER OPTIONS for Backwell
- NSC does not anticipate a decision to be made on the Backwell A370 proposals before December 2024
Below are updates on the other planning applications within Backwell.
Rodney Road field (65 houses)
This application has received outline consent. Reserved Matters (RM) is the technical term for the detailed documents and NSC conditions required for full planning consent Taylor Wimpey, the developer, is currently processing the RM’s. Unfortunately, any response / objection to these from residents is unlikely to achieve much response from NSC. However, BRA is working to see how detailed technical issues can still be challenged. Access remains a major problem.
The link to the application Land West Of Rodney Road Backwell Ref. No: 24/P/0533/RM | Received: Wed 13 Mar 2024 | Validated: Tue 02 Apr 2024 | Status: Registered can be found here.
Farleigh Fields (96 houses)
As with the Rodney Road site, the developer has submitted a number of RM details, all of which have now been approved by NSC. There is little more that can be done about this despite many concerns remaining, including drainage and flooding. Persimmon is likely to continue feeding in detail on Reserved Matters and Conditions. Again, resident comments are unlikely to be taken too seriously unless it is clear a major change has been made between outline application and submission of detail.
The link to the application Land At Farleigh Fields And 54 And 56 Farleigh Road Backwell North Somerset Ref. No: 23/P/2508/RM | Received: Fri 17 Nov 2023 | Validated: Tue 28 Nov 2023 |Status: Decided can be found here.
Grove Farm (515 houses)
This application received 1280 objections from the public. The developer, Taylor Wimpey is progressively submitting detailed proposals for this scheme which has yet to be approved or rejected by NSC. BRA is consulting with its advisors on how to most effectively challenge various technical issues. Members may submit comments and objections to new documents, but these are unlikely to be taken seriously unless a major change has been made between outline application and submission of detail.
The link to the application Land At Grove Farm West Town Road Backwell Ref. No: 23/2618/OU2 | Received: Thu 30 Nov 2023 | Validated: Mon 18 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered can be found here.
From your BRA Committee
15th April 2024
Dear Member
We urge all members to come to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 from 7pm to 9pm in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre at Backwell School, access via Meadow Close.
Consultations: NSC currently has 3 live consultations. These may be viewed on
Current Consultations – North Somerset Council Consultations (inconsult.uk)
- Car parking Charges: The proposal would create new parking charges for car parks and on-street locations in Nailsea, Portishead and Clevedon.
- Black Bin Collections: The proposal would reduce the frequency of collection from once every 2 weeks to once every 3 or 4 weeks.
- Rural Strategy: This covers all of North Somerset apart from our towns – Weston, Clevedon, Portishead, Nailsea. A wide range of topics is covered including broadband connectivity and rural buses.
Consultation runs until Sunday 7th May for Car parking and Black bins and Friday 31st May for the Rural Strategy
Backwell Parish Council (BPC) – Annual Meeting of Electors: 7.30pm Thursday 25th April at Backwell Parish Hall See the agenda on:
Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 25 April 2024.pdf – Google Drive
BPC is keen to have a dialogue with residents and is including a Q and A session at this meeting. Please give your comments and questions to BPC by Thursday April 18th
Please note that there are currently 5 vacancies on the Parish Council. If you might like to offer your services, please contact BPC on clerk@backwell-pc.gov.uk
BRA Newsletter April 2024: This was distributed to all households in early April. It has details of our AGM, and updates on the topics to be discussed. It can be seen on the BRA website under “Other Information” or “News & Hot Topics”.
Membership for 2024: Many thanks to every household that has paid its subscription. If you have not paid your £10 for the current year, it would be much appreciated before, or at the AGM, please.
April 2024
Please see below the annual newsletter which is distributed to all Backwell households as a hard copy.
Annual General Meeting
This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 23 April 2024 in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre at Backwell School (entrance via Meadow Close off Station Road).
9th February 2024
Dear Member
The deadline for comments on 515 houses at Grove Farm is Thursday 15th February
Currently we have 670* objections – We can make this 1,000 !!
- More than 1 person per household can object, even if they share an email address
- Encourage your friends and neighbours to object
- It only takes a few minutes to help keep Backwell a village
- Use your own words to make your case
- The leaflet (TW GF BRA Leaflet Jan 24) explains
Just click on this link 23/9/2618/OU2 to make your comments.
From your BRA Committee
* As at 17.50 09.02.24
31st January 2024
The leaflet below has been distributed to the whole of Backwell explaining the reasons for objecting to the application by Taylor Wimpey outlined in the bulletin of the 24th January.
24th January 2024
Dear Member
Outline Planning Application by Taylor Wimpey (TW) for up to 515 houses at Grove Farm (Ref 23/P/2618/OU2)
We are most grateful to members who completed a comment on the North Somerset Council consultation for the Local Plan 2039 (LP), which has just closed. We now need to ask you to make a specific comment on the outline planning application submitted by Taylor Wimpey, to North Somerset Council (NSC) on 30th November 2023 which appeared on the NSC planning website just before Christmas.
Please Note: Any comments you made relating to the Grove Farm development as part of the recent Local Plan Consultation will not be taken into account when this planning application is considered by NSC.
Therefore, the BRA Committee strongly urges you to comment on this unwelcome, premature planning application before the Closing Date of Thursday 15th of February – it is crucial for Backwell that as many comments as possible are submitted.
This is the link to the planning application:
It comprises 143 documents. We suggest the most informative starting point is the ‘Design and Access Statement’, dated 30th November 2023.
Just click on ‘Make a Comment’ and away you go!
Give your name and address etc, and then there is an empty box for typing your comments.
You may find the following points helpful – but PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS. A passionate objection, with examples, on just a few aspects will carry more weight than a long list of headings.
- This proposed development increases Backwell house numbers by 25%, turning Backwell from a semi-rural village to a small town, and totally changing its character and setting. Note that Backwell already has two other consented applications for 190 dwellings
- Significant increase in traffic on local roads including the A370, Station Road, Rodney Road, Chelvey Road, Chelvey Lane and Brockley Lane, plus inevitably severe congestion at Backwell crossroads. The separately proposed Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) would NOT offer any meaningful mitigation
- The Grove Farm site is remote from all major employment areas in North Somerset and Bristol. Given long commuting distances, Grove Farm is not a sustainable development
- For those who need a car for journeys to Nailsea, the only route is via Station Road, causing further congestion
- Viability and deliverability of a proposed bus service through Grove Farm, Long-Thorn and Moor Lane onto Station Road is highly questionable. (NSC has little control over bus services)
- Train services through Nailsea and Backwell station are often close to capacity and one platform has seriously limited access. There are no current plans to improve this situation
- Existing local services such as schools and the medical centre would be over-stretched
- Loss of open countryside and good quality (Best and Most Versatile) agricultural land will have an adverse impact on several tranquil footpaths. How can this be ‘sustainable development’?
- Serious negative impact on wildlife, habitat and biodiversity (including foraging grounds for the internationally important Greater Horseshoe Bats which have a roost in nearby Brockley Hall)
- This proposed development is NOT in the current NSC ‘Core Strategy’ or the Backwell Neighbourhood Plan. It features in the new draft NSC Local Plan and we have argued strongly for it to be removed. In any event NSC’s new Local Plan will not be ‘Made’ until much later this year at the earliest, so this application is PREMATURE
On the date of this bulletin there are 124 comments on the NSC website, of which 121 are objections.
This bulletin goes to the 400 BRA members who have supplied an email address. One excellent way to boost numbers is for BRA members to encourage friends and neighbours to voice their concerns about this application. This bulletin can be seen on the BRA website, under News and Hot Topics.
If this application is approved, it will have a very significant negative impact on Backwell, Chelvey and Brockley – forever.
From your BRA Committee
22nd January 2024
Dear Member
Please find below the links to the submissions made to North Somerset Council on behalf of Backwell Parish Council and BRA in relation to the draft Local Plan 2039.
Lucy White Planning Limited North Somerset Local Plan 2039 Regulation 19 Stage: Representations On Behalf Of Backwell Parish Council (BPC) And Backwell Residents Association (BRA) 19th January 2024.
Part B forms were also submitted and are available from BRA or the Parish Council.
Neil Brant Consulting Ltd – Transport Assessment January 2024.
23-TP0091 NSC Reg19 Reps – Transport v1r3
Please also find the link for the North Somerset Council Nailsea and Backwell Transport Position Statement 11th October 2023.
Nailsea and Backwell transport position statement V1
10th January 2024
Dear Member
We wish everyone a Happy New Year.
There are two very important matters that require action from all Backwell residents in the near future.
Action 1 – North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
The public consultation on this draft LP runs until Monday 22nd January. The key element for Backwell is the inclusion of 515 houses on the Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm sites, which residents have opposed in the past. This proposal is being challenged by Backwell Parish Council (BPC), Backwell Residents Association (BRA) and Backwell Resistance (BR). A technical objection to the LP is being prepared by our planning consultant.
The Plan may be viewed on North Somerset Local Plan 2039: Pre-submission Plan (Reg 19) – North Somerset Council Consultations (inconsult.uk)
The LP is important as it will provide the background for planning decisions affecting Backwell for the foreseeable future and be a big influence on Backwell’s next Neighbourhood Plan.
A Leaflet (Village Leaflet December 23) describing the impact of the draft LP on Backwell, and suggesting key points, was distributed to all households during December.
A Help Sheet (Local Plan 2039 Help Sheet December 2023) has also been produced to assist with the consultation process.
We urge all members to make their views known by Monday 22nd January, as numbers count.
Action 2 – Planning Application by Taylor Wimpey (TW) with details of the 515 houses
The draft LP discussed above includes 515 houses on Grove Farm. Backwell opposes the principle of this inclusion.
TW has recently submitted its application (Ref 23/P/2618/OU2). It can be viewed on:
The Closing Date is Thursday 1st February but we have it on good authority that comments submitted by Thursday 22nd February will be considered.
There are 128 documents in total, but the most informative for the general public is the Design and Access Statement.
Clearly the LP and this application are closely linked. The TW application procedure is the same as any other planning application – i.e. there is a text box for your comments, which remain on the website, along with all other comments.
Please use your own words to say what you think about the issues, which could include:
- Impact on the character of Backwell of such a big development
- Inability of our roads to cope
- Adverse impact from emissions, for a long commute from Grove Farm into Bristol where most jobs are
- Overstretching Backwell’s resources with a 35% increase in size (schools, medical facilities, parking spaces etc)
- Loss of good agricultural land
- Loss of wildlife habitat
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
The deadline for consultation for bus “Improvements” has now passed. We are most grateful to residents for voicing their concerns to NSC, both via the website and in person at the drop-in session. The intensity of feeling in the village is clearly evident, which can be summarised as:
…. the current proposals are flawed, creating a series of damaging consequences for Backwell, and no decision should be made without further detailed analysis and local consultation.
NB The Backwell Crossroads “improvements” appear in the LP process as a mitigation for extra traffic from the Grove Farm development, and also in TW’s planning application. BRA hopes that NSC will listen to public opinion and NOT proceed with the “improvements” planned for Backwell, given that any mitigation would be negligible.
Our membership year coincides with the calendar year. Thankfully, over the years, BRA has built up reserves for use in a “rainy year”. 2024 looks certain to be the year where we require significant help from experts on technical matters, which will deplete our reserves. It would assist our administration if members would renew their subscriptions as soon as possible please, and encourage other households to join BRA. A membership form can be found here Membership Form to December 2024
From your BRA Committee
19th December 2023
Dear Member
Outline application for 515 houses on Land at Grove Farm
The application from Taylor Wimpey that we have been expecting for some time has just been posted on the North Somerset Council (NSC) website.
It is interesting to see this in relation to the festive season !!
Application validated 18th December 2023
Consultation Deadline 1st February 2024
BRA, and others no doubt, will be challenging this absurd deadline for a development that would transform our village. We will tackle it in earnest in the New Year, with professional support to help us all make informed responses during January.
The application can be viewed on https://planning.n-somerset.gov.uk/online-applications/centralDistribution.do?caseType=Application&keyVal=S4XZX2LPG0700
The most informative document is the Design and Access Statement.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
The development at Grove Farm is included in the draft Local Plan, and is a real threat to Backwell. One of the main concerns for residents is the impact of the extra traffic on the A370. Taylor Wimpey states that the A370 through Backwell will be improved by the “Improvement” scheme for Backwell, which hundreds of residents so heavily criticised at the drop-in session, at the WI. Hall in November. NSC has not heeded public opinion on other schemes, so it is important that members make their views known. This can be done quickly with the methods below.
Please comment before the deadline of Friday 29th of December 2023:
Please be aware that your comments, once made, cannot be seen again, so you may like to save these elsewhere. It is also not possible to see what others have said
- or by email to Engagement@n-somerset.gov.uk
- or by post to Rob Thomson, BSIP Consultation, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ
The BRA committee is most grateful to members for keeping us informed of their opinions and observations during 2023, and for responding to the many consultations we have endured !
With all best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
From your BRA Committee
16th December 2023
Dear Member
We are sorry to send a bulletin so near to Christmas, but Backwell is facing four big challenges, so an update is required. There are two proposals and two agreed developments awaiting implementation.
By far the biggest is the proposal for 515 houses on Grove Farm within the draft Local Plan. The Bus Improvement Plan could make Dark Lane one way, create a bus lane and 3 new bus stops. These proposals are open to comments from residents, and we hope you will do so.
Two other applications have been approved and could be implemented in the near future. On Farleigh Fields, 96 houses will be accessed by demolishing 54 and 56 Farleigh Rd to make a new junction on the A370. Also, Taylor Wimpey is taking steps to progress 65 houses with access near the Scout Hut, which will have a significant impact on Rodney Road,
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
The public consultation on this draft plan runs until 22nd of January 2024. The key element for Backwell is the inclusion of 515 houses on the Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm sites, which residents have opposed in the past.
The Plan may be viewed on North Somerset Local Plan 2039: Pre-submission Plan (Reg 19) – North Somerset Council Consultations (inconsult.uk)
- The NORTH SOMERSET LOCAL PLAN 2039 has 300 pages.
- The POLICIES MAP can be “zoomed in” using + in the top left corner, to show the many new houses allocated to Backwell and Nailsea
- The SHORT GUIDE has 10 pages and is “A plain English summary of the proposed local plan, its contents and what happens next”
Backwell Residents Association, Backwell Parish Council and Backwell Resistance have combined their efforts to oppose the Plan for Backwell. We have been concerned that technical hurdles and planning language will prevent residents from responding.
A HELP guide has been prepared to assist Backwell residents, and you may find it convenient to print a copy to have by your side as you navigate the screen. It is important that you make your views known. The guide can be found here Local Plan 2039 Help Sheet December 2023
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) (proposed by North Somerset Council)
The drop-in session on Wednesday 29th of November at the WI Hall had some 200 – 300 people pass through the door, with a significant number turning back rather than wait outside in the cold! It was disappointing that NSC staff concentrated on the benefits of the scheme for bus journey times along the A370, with no extra information on the detail of the proposals and with no mention of the negative impacts of the scheme on Backwell, which residents are so concerned about. In particular Dark Lane becoming one way (up only) by not allowing vehicles to access the A370, and creating a very short bus lane between the Leisure Centre and the traffic lights, and also 3 new locations for bus stops.
BRA and Backwell Parish Council (BPC) have combined to commission a transport consultant to look at the Backwell proposals. This is an extract from an official letter from BPC to BSIP, representing our views.
This lack of information makes it difficult for BPC to properly analyse and comment on the proposals. However, everything we have seen and heard to date leads us to strongly object to much of what is proposed in the centre of the village. West of England Combined Authority has imposed a very short deadline for public feedback to the current proposals. Unless and until further detail is available this must be our default position.
The lack of published detail makes it impossible for us to respond analytically. However, it should be made clear that we believe the current proposals are flawed, would create a series of damaging consequences, and that no decision should be made without further detailed analysis and local consultation.
Please comment before the deadline of Friday 29th of December 2023:
Please be aware that your comments, once made, cannot be seen again, so you may like to save these elsewhere. It is also not possible to see what others have said
- or by email to Engagement@n-somerset.gov.uk
- or by post to Rob Thomson, BSIP Consultation, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ
Farleigh Fields Reserved Matters (RM) is the technical term for the detailed documents and NSC conditions required for full planning consent. The RM require the developer to submit, and get formally approved, such crucial issues as road and housing detail, drainage proposals and landscaping obligations.
These are presented in the application on the North Somerset Council (NSC) website – in 33 documents!! These documents can be found here or by going to the NSC planning portal (Simple Search (n-somerset.gov.uk) and typing in the reference 23/P/2508/RM.
Persimmon has reduced the number of houses from 125 to 90, with an additional 6 self-build ones. BRA, with BPC, has been looking at the significant problems of drainage and flooding and appointed a consultant to help with our submission. Any comments are required by Tuesday 2nd of January. A swift response from members would be appreciated, but the deadline is expected to be extended for a short period, as it has been challenged robustly.
Members can see how the development might look in the Design and Access document, which shows plans for housing layouts, internal streets etc. in an easy-to-read format.
Late News – Backwell Motors
A planning application to remove the petrol pumps and shop and put housing on that part of the site was approved by NSC, but will not now go ahead. Fuel sales and the shop will continue under new management from the end of January. Charlie Atherton will continue with the mechanics, MOTs and body repairs in the rear of the building.
From your BRA Committee
10th December 2023
Save Our Village – a leaflet explaining the impact of the North Somerset Council Draft Local Plan 2039 for Backwell as a village was distributed to all households at the beginning of December and can be found here – Village Leaflet December 23
28th November 2023
Dear Member
This bulletin covers two proposals from North Somerset Council (NSC), both of which have serious implications for Backwell. Judging by comments received, it appears that residents have serious misgivings on both of these. It is extremely important that Backwell residents make their views known.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
Dark Lane – One way – No way!!!! If this is your view, TOMORROW is a chance to say so!
The current proposals create bus “improvements” for a speedy X1 bus service through the village, which is a sensible goal. However, the impact on Backwell of the new bus lane and making Dark Lane one-way and other changes are felt to be very damaging to the community. To register your comments please come to the drop-in session being held on:
Wednesday 29th of November – A community drop-in session on the BSIP will be held TOMORROW at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm.
It is also possible to comment online via:
Please be aware that your comments, once made, cannot be seen again, so you may like to save these elsewhere. It is also not possible to see what others have said.
There does not appear to be an address for postal comments, but an email address is given BSIP.Engagement@n-somerset.gov.uk
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
The public consultation on this draft was launched yesterday and will run until 22nd of January 2024. The key element for Backwell is the inclusion of 515 houses on the Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm sites.
The Plan may be viewed on North Somerset Local Plan 2039: Pre-submission Plan (Reg 19) – North Somerset Council Consultations (inconsult.uk)
- The NORTH SOMERSET LOCAL PLAN 2039 has 300 pages
- The POLICIES MAP can be “zoomed in “using + in the top left corner, to show the many new houses allocated to Backwell and Nailsea
- The SHORT GUIDE has 10 pages and is “A plain English summary of the proposed local plan, its contents and what happens next”
Backwell Residents Association, Backwell Parish Council and Backwell Resistance have combined their efforts to oppose the Plan, and will summarise key points for residents in mid-December, including the system for making comments.
From your BRA Committee
21st November 2023
Dear Member
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
Since our bulletin of a week ago, we have been aware of the very strong concern in the village on the impact of the BSIP suggested changes for Backwell. North Somerset Council (NSC) has said that this is a genuine consultation at an early stage in their process, and they will take note of comments. The opportunity will be given at the drop-in event.
Wednesday 29th November – A community drop-in session on the BSIP will be held at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm
It is also possible to comment online via:
Please be aware that your comments, once made, cannot be seen again, so you may like to save these elsewhere. It is also not possible to see what others have said.
There does not appear to be an address for postal comments, but an email address is given BSIP.Engagement@n-somerset.gov.uk
Here is a broad summary of comments made to BRA committee members.
- Making Dark Lane one way only up from the crossroads, with no access down Dark Lane to the A370
This has created intense surprise, disbelief and concern. Vehicles currently going down Dark Lane to go to Nailsea or Bristol will need to use Church Lane – either the narrow part of the lane towards Bristol, or via the difficult right turn onto the A370 at the end of Church Lane near the Playing Fields entrance. Traffic from the Recycling Centre, Junior School, St Andrew’s Church and the businesses in Cheston Combe will all be affected, along with many residents. The extra mileage for these diversions is a serious addition to cost and pollution, as well as creating increased safety problems on narrow roads, with many young and old pedestrians.
- Creating a bus lane on the A370 near the crossroads
The exact location of the bus lane is not clear. It starts after the bend on the A370 near the Leisure centre and finishes shortly before the traffic lights at the cross roads. It seems a very short bus lane, which will benefit buses marginally but complicate the short stretch with signs and markings on the road, and almost certainly slow other traffic down.
- Creating a new bus stop beside the SPAR Green
There is strong opposition to changing an attractive village open green space in the heart of the village. Safety is a major concern at the busy Rodney Road junction, with vehicles waiting to join the A370, along with the nearby car park and layby. NSC Highways was insistent when three flower beds on the Green were created in 2006, that sight lines should not be impaired by bushes or plants taller than 1 metre. This certainly would preclude a bus shelter hub and a double decker bus on the A370. Shoppers, and students during their lunch breaks enjoy the relaxing open space provided, enhanced by these flower beds.
- Moving the current bus stop from its present position to outside the Dental Practice
This seems a more sensible change as it moves a queue behind the bus away from the lights, reducing the frequency of times when the queue goes back to the lights. It is not clear however, what impact this change would have on the parking places outside the Medical Centre.
- Creating a bus hub at the Leisure Centre
This is not an obvious site, given it is on a bend on the A370, is near a busy entrance to the leisure centre and is not a flat area. It is also a distance from the current (more convenient) stop at the start of Farleigh Road near the lights. However, it might have the merit of allowing the bus stop to be in a layby, and avoid a traffic queue.
Conclusion: The BSIP proposals as a package are detrimental to our village in many ways. Residents feel that buses will only secure a marginal benefit from the proposals, which will be far exceeded by the adverse impact on Backwell.
Please go to the drop-in and make your views known – Wednesday 29th November at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm
Stop Press: Maintenance works are set to start on the A370 Rhodyate Hill between Congresbury and Cleeve next week. The closure will be in place for six nights, between the hours of 8pm and 6am, starting on Monday 27th of November.
From your BRA Committee
14th November 2023
Dear Member
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
This plan has several projects. The Long Ashton bypass scheme has been completed; the Brockley crossroads scheme is under construction; and the plan for Backwell has just been posted on the North Somerset Council (NSC) website.
Consultation for this has opened on Monday 13th of November, and will close on Friday 29th of December.
The BSIP proposals are explained in 9 pages of charts on the NSC website and show the following key features:
- making Dark Lane one way only up from the crossroads, with no access down Dark Lane to the A370
- creating a bus lane on the A370 near the crossroads
- creating new, enhanced, bus stops beside the SPAR Green and at the Leisure Centre, plus moving the stop from the old telephone box on the other side of the A370 to outside the Dental Practice
Wednesday 29th November – A community drop-in session on the BSIP will be held at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm
BRA will contact members before the drop-in session as the committee has serious misgivings about the impact of the BSIP proposals on our village. We are disappointed at the lack of detail within the 9 pages, given the importance of the proposals. We hope that more will be available at the drop-in session. We encourage residents to look at the link above, but wait for the drop-in session and further information from BRA before making your views known to NSC.
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
We understand that the public consultation on this is likely to take place from 27 of November to 22 of January 2024
The draft plan will be available for comment from the start of the consultation, and will contain many pages of detail. There will be much of relevance to Backwell, with the proposal for 515 houses on the Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm site being the most significant. BRA, Backwell Parish Council and Backwell Resistance have raised awareness of this via the “Save our Village” campaign. Further information on key points will be sent to members soon after the consultation goes live.
Backwell Motors – Now given Approval
An application (Ref 22/P/0696/OUT) for this site made two years ago, has just been approved this week. It will involve the demolition of the petrol forecourt, shop and main garage, and the creation of 7 terraced 3 storey houses facing Station Road. Other buildings at the rear will be demolished, but rebuilt to provide a relocated Equicraft shop and a small garage workshop.
7th November 2023
Dear Member
Between now and the New Year, residents will be invited to comment on two very important issues affecting Backwell – the North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039, and the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). Neither of these developments are in their final form for consultation, but they will be shortly. However, we have sufficient indication of their content to be very concerned. The simple message from BRA is
Please Be Prepared to Comment when the time comes – Your views are important.
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
A final version of the draft of this extensive document for consultation is expected around the end of November / early December. It will influence future developments in Backwell for at least the next decade and many topics will be covered, including the proposal for 515 houses on the Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm site, which is widely opposed. A campaign has started under the “Save our Village” heading. BRA, Backwell Parish Council (BPC) and Backwell Resistance (BR) are working together to:
- raise awareness of the importance of this forthcoming consultation
- assemble the best case to oppose this development, by using outside consultants whose input could be crucial
We will let members know as soon as the consultation document is posted on the NSC website, when there will follow a 6-week consultation period.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
Wednesday 29th November – A community drop-in session on the BSIP will be held at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm (see below)
North Somerset Council (NSC) is very aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions and sees the provision of better bus services as an important contributor to this goal. £48m has been provided to NSC by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to improve bus services in our region. Details of the rationale can be found in a 136-page document. West of England Bus Service Improvement Plan (n-somerset.gov.uk)
The implementation of this plan for 7 projects in North Somerset is given in 14 pages bus_service_improvement_plan_package_1_scheme.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
A key objective of these projects is to create faster bus corridors on major routes, including the A370. BRA and local councils have criticised the BSIP on 2 major points:
- Lack of consultation with local residents (which NSC acknowledges)
- Concentration on the (minimal) improvement in the speed achieved by buses along the corridors, with little or no account taken of the impact on the communities and their local roads.
The current situations on four projects which have or would have an impact on Backwell are:
Long Ashton bypass – now complete, with longer bus lanes. It is unpopular with motorists owing to long delays.at peak times wasting time and causing extra pollution, especially in the mornings.
Brockley Traffic Lights – currently under construction after negligible consultation. Local residents are very concerned about the impact on diversions on narrow rural lanes needed for local traffic.
Backwell Crossroads and Dark Lane – a key feature of this “improvement” is to make Dark Lane one way only up from the crossroads, with no access down to the A370 from Dark Lane, causing very long detours along Church Lane, and dangerous exits onto the A370 from two uncontrolled points.
Rodney Road and Leisure Centre Bus stops – NSC owns land at SPAR Green and at the Leisure Centre, and is proposing to use these areas to create new bus shelters with better facilities.
NSC has been made aware of the very deep concern within the Backwell community if the last two projects were to go ahead. Currently BRA is not sure what the final proposal from NSC will be. There will an opportunity for residents to examine the proposals and to make their comments known.
Monday 13th November – An online consultation will commence, for several weeks, to explain the BSIP proposals for Backwell and allow residents to make their views known.
Wednesday 29th November – A community drop-in session is to be held at the WI Hall in Backwell from 3.30pm to 7pm to allow those who are not online, and any others, to make their views known.
We will send members a further bulletin for clarification when we know the final proposal after the Monday 13th November consultation has started.
From your BRA Committee
28th October 2023
Dear Member
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
Members will no doubt be aware of “Save our Village” signs that have been appearing in Backwell during the last week or so. This is the start of a campaign to oppose the inclusion of 515 houses at Grove Farm in the North Somerset Local Plan (LP). Three Backwell organisations have joined together in this campaign:
- Backwell Parish Council (BPC)
- Backwell Residents Association (BRA)
- Backwell Resistance (BR)
The campaign has been publicised through social media, mainly by BR via Facebook. BRA members receive email communications and the recent press release is attached for those not on Facebook
The final LP version for consultation has not yet been released by North Somerset Council (NSC), although the NSC Executive voted to approve the draft LP on Wed 18 October. We will let members know as soon as it is posted on the NSC website, when there will follow a 6-week consultation period.
Once the consultation has opened, we will urge members to make their comments to NSC, and suggest important points you might like to make. Numbers of objections are important, as well as the relevance of the points made.
From your BRA Committee
22nd October 2023
Dear Member
At the meeting of the Executive Committee of North Somerset Council (NSC) on 18th of October, the draft Local Plan (2039) was confirmed for moving to the consultation stage. Once the consultation document is available, we will let members know, and provide all necessary information. BRA is working closely with Backwell Parish Council (BPC) and Backwell Resistance (BR), as these 3 organisations share the common objection to the inclusion of 515 houses on Grove Farm in the Local Plan.
In the next fortnight the A370 will have roadworks to improve the surface and drainage which will seriously affect the village, even though next week is the half term week for our schools, so traffic levels should be lower. These works are in addition to the (much criticised) ongoing works at Brockley crossroads which are closing Brockley Way.
Maintenance work on West Town Road, will take place between Rushmoor Grove and the end of the village beyond Kellways. This involves traffic lights, and road closures (some day and some night).
The A370 West Town Road will be closed from its junction with Brockley Combe Road to its junction with Station Road.
- From Monday 23rd of October for 5 days: working hours: 08:00 – 17:00
- From Monday 30th if October for 4 nights: working hours: 20:00 – 05:00
Further details are given in the letter from NSC – A370 Maintenance work Oct 2023
The X1 bus will not come through Backwell during the above closure periods.
There will be an X1 service between Weston and Bristol, but it will divert from Congresbury to Churchill onto the A38 to go into Bristol. The X8 service from Nailsea to Bristol will still come through Backwell, but the frequency is only every 60 minutes. The X9 service from Bristol to Nailsea via Wraxall is every 30 minutes. The Long Ashton Park and Ride will be unaffected.
Further details are available on:
The M5 is to close in both directions for resurfacing between Portishead (junction 19) and Clevedon (junction 20) from 10pm to 6am between 23rd of October and the 26th of October.
This stretch of the M5 is not normally used by Backwell, but we will be on the diversion route. Under these night closures, southbound HGV traffic will be diverted via the A4 and A370 from junction 18 to re-join the M5 at junction 21, with the northbound diversion route operating in reverse. Cars and other lighter vehicles will be diverted via junctions 19 and 21, using the A369 and A370 during the closures, and local traffic will still be able to make journeys across the junctions
From your BRA Committee
11th October 2023
Dear Member
North Somerset Local Plan (LP) 2024 – 2039
Following consultation on an earlier draft Local Plan, North Somerset Council (NSC), has prepared a new draft which will be presented to the Executive Committee of NSC on Wednesday 18 of October, followed by a further consultation.
What does this Draft Local Plan propose relevant to Backwell ?
A. The new Plan is now to be Local Plan 2039 (LP 2039).
B. Total new housing allocation in North Somerset is reduced from 20,880 to 14,995.
C. 3 large areas of Green Belt housing development have been deleted. This includes land “East of Backwell”, which had 500 houses proposed.
D. Growth in both Nailsea and Backwell has been reduced, principally because of the cost and technical difficulty of constructing a new road across the railway. The land that Gleeson proposed by the Lake, has not been included for development, nor the field below the recycling centre.
E. However, the Grove Farm site (515 houses) is retained in LP 2039. This makes a total of 700 houses for Backwell, after adding the already agreed Farleigh Fields and Rodney Road developments. This is an increase of 35% on the current number of houses in Backwell.
Grove Farm development was the subject of a drop-in meeting at the WI Hall on 13th of September.
A planning application has NOT been made yet, but TW has stated that one will be made before the end of the year. BRA objects to this proposal. The size of the development in relation to that of the current village, and the highways implications of a single access onto the A370 are two key issues.
F. The allocation for Affordable housing (on any large site) is reduced from 40% to 35%.
The new draft LP can be viewed on:
This link takes you to the agenda for the NSC meeting on 18th of October and supporting documents including the following:
There are 3 reports relevant to LP 2039
This is a 276-page document, with the detail of LP 2039, together with planning policies and strategies etc.
This is a 10-page report, which includes a summary of the Plan.
This is a one-page map showing the green Belt area, with housing developments in red.
What is the Status of the Current Draft?
This new draft of the LP will be presented to the council’s Executive Committee on 18 October 2023. It is known as the pre-submission plan and is not likely to have any alterations at this meeting. It then becomes the Consultation Draft, which will allow for public comment from 18th of October to 22nd of November.
How important is the LP?
Extremely important, as it will be the backcloth for planning decisions over the next decade or more. The probability of a planning application being accepted is far greater if the development is included in the LP.
Consultation on this new draft is open until 22nd November, (this seems a short consultation period for such a complex and important report).
BRA is active on three main fronts:
- We are employing our main planning consultant, and will consider further technical help on key issues
- We are embarking on a publicity campaign in the village to encourage residents to make a comment
- We keep in touch with Backwell Parish Council and Backwell Resistance, and also Councils at Brockley and Nailsea.
BRA will be issuing guidelines shortly on points which members may like to consider in their submission.
After consideration of comments, NSC will submit a final version of the plan to the Secretary of State for an independent examination. If the Plan is deemed to be “sound” after this examination, it will become the final North Somerset Local Plan (LP 2039) in late 2024.
Comparison between the latest draft and our existing Neighbourhood Plan
It is worth reflecting on the Backwell Neighbourhood Plan 2014 – 26, which was prepared by a Steering Group of Backwell Parish Council, containing representatives from across Backwell, with close contact with NSC. The plan contained modest housing developments, all of which BRA supported and have happened. 96% of votes cast by residents were in favour.
In contrast, Backwell has been the target of a seemingly endless series of unwelcome developments, including this inappropriate one at Grove Farm, which could well turn our village into a town and destroy its character and overload the infrastructure. BRA will object to this new draft of LP 2039.
What can residents do?
Details of how to comment will be available after the 18th of October meeting, when we will provide a link in a bulletin.
Please make your feelings known to NSC before 22nd of November.
NSC has started maintenance work on West Town Road, between Rushmoor Grove and the end of the village beyond Kellways.
This involves traffic lights, and road closures (some night and some day):
- From Monday 23rd of October for 5 days in duration under road closure. Working hours: 08:00 -17:00
- From Monday 30th of October for 4 nights in duration under road closure. Working hours: 20:00 – 05:00
Full details are given in the letter from NSC which can be found here
From your BRA Committee
28th September 2023
Please see see attached the email letter from Backwell Resident Association in relation to the Brockley Lane Junction Bus lane Improvement work reference Traffic Order BSIP/BC/2023/2.
Email to NSC re Brockley Lane Junction – 28.9.2023
28th September 2023
Dear Member
This is the 3rd BRA bulletin of the month, but it is necessary as yet another planning application is now on the expected list for Backwell – for 163 houses on the fields below the recycling centre. First of all, we give a reminder of the status of other projects currently in the pipeline for Backwell.
Farleigh Fields 119 houses: This has been approved by North Somerset Council (NSC), but Persimmon is in no rush to start building.
Rodney Road (by Scout Hut) 65 houses: This has been conditionally approved, by NSC, but serious issues remain with the access.
Even Keel, Moor Lane 35 houses (Ref 22/P/0252/OUT): Awaiting NSC decision. BRA has objected.
Gleeson (near Backwell Lake) 400 houses (Ref 23/P/1145/OUT): Application has been submitted to NSC. BRA and nearly 400 residents have objected.
Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm – Proposal For 515 Houses: Taylor Wimpey (TW), held a drop-in event at the WI Hall on September 13th, with details given in our bulletin of September 20th. A planning application has not yet been submitted. BRA will be objecting when TW makes its application to NSC, and is working with Backwell Parish Council to take appropriate advice in preparation for the work needed to make our submission.
This proposal was revealed on Wednesday 27th September, with a leaflet drop in the affected area by Stokes Morgan Planning acting on behalf of the landowner. The land stretches from Dark Lane, above Hilldale Road and Oakleigh Close, but does not include the field below Sores Court. It is in the Green Belt. The developer is also proposing land be “gifted” to Backwell Junior School to enable a replacement school, car park and playing fields to be built.
Further details may be found on the website: Public Consultation – Dark Lane, Backwell (wordpress.com)
Feedback may be made on the website “Have your Say” tab, or by email to consultations@stokesmorgan.co.uk. Responses are requested by Friday 27th October. BRA is considering the application, and we will give our conclusions prior to this date.
A large sum of money has been provided to NSC by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to improve bus services in our region. Details of the rationale can be found in a 136 – page document West of England Bus Service Improvement Plan (n-somerset.gov.uk)
The implementation of this plan for 7 projects in North Somerset is given in 14 pages bus_service_improvement_plan_package_1_scheme.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
Long Ashton Bypass bus lane: This has been in place for some months and is greatly criticised, owing to the long queues of vehicles at rush hour times on the single lane, next to a bus lane empty for most of the time. We understand that Long Ashton has suffered an increase in its congestion. The changes have caused delays with extra pollution from crawling cars. A journey time increase of 30 minutes is not uncommon!
Brockley Traffic Lights: There is a plan to create bus lanes at the Brockley traffic lights, work on which is due to start next week. (Preparation work with temporary lights has already started). A key feature is that cars will not be allowed to turn right into Brockley Lane when travelling from the Backwell direction. Brockley Parish Council claims it is an expensive and unnecessary scheme that will shave a few minutes off bus times but will cause diversions for cars and much disruption for up to 20 weeks during construction. Comments are required by Friday September 29th to traffic.orders@n-somerset.gov.uk.
BRA has objected to the change, giving support to the strong objection from Brockley PC
Backwell Cross Roads and Dark Lane: A proposal for Backwell was presented, somewhat informally at the drop-in event by a traffic consultant on behalf of TW, which included a map of the A370 crossroads.
Extra capacity on the A370 would be created by removing lights for entry to the junction from Dark Lane, which would be one-way only near the lights. Vehicles would be allowed to go up Dark Lane from the junction, but not exit Dark Lane into the junction. This would give an increase in green light time for the A370 and Nailsea traffic.
BRA is trying to discover the status of this proposal which has caused much comment from those attending the event, with universal horror as far as could be detected.
As mentioned in our last bulletin, there was an opportunity last week for residents to hear a short presentation from NSC Councillors at Nailsea Tithe Barn on the next North Somerset corporate plan and with open floor questions. Around 30 people attended, including two members of the BRA committee.
Further events are planned including the presence of two NSC councillors at the mobile library service on Monday 2nd October between 2.15 & 4.15pm, in the car park opposite SPAR in Rodney Road. We hope that members will take the opportunity to make their views known.
From your BRA Committee
20th September 2023
This bulletin gives an update on the Taylor Wimpey (TW) proposal for housing on Grove Farm land, following its “community drop-in event” in the WI Hall on Wednesday September 13th. It also gives information on suggested “bus improvement” proposals.
This large site has been an aspiration by TW for housing for several years, including being in the former Joint Spatial Plan and the latest draft of North Somerset Council’s Local Plan. It covers land from Moor Lane to Chelvey Road and the A370, with a boundary near Rushmoor Lane. This proposal is a significantly larger area than earlier ones, as it now includes the sites of Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm, which is now the title TW is using. TW intends to submit a planning application before the end of November. (The latest draft of the North Somerset Local Plan is due in a similar timescale.) Some details of the TW proposal emerged at the consultation event last week, but much more will be provided in the documents associated with the application.
Proposal so far as given at the drop-in event
Access – The only vehicle access to this site would be a T junction onto the A370, just past the present junction with Kellways and Chelvey Batch. There would be pedestrian and cycle routes within the site, with access via Moor Lane. TW is also promoting the possibility of a bus route through the site, which could exit the site via a gate into Long-Thorn which would allow buses only. A short stretch of Chelvey Lane from the trough would be another pedestrian / cycle access route, having been replaced by the new road for vehicles into the development.
School – TW has now met the Lighthouse Partnership (LP), which includes West Leigh Infants, St Andrews Junior and Backwell School. TW says that LP is interested in principle in having TW land for a major extension of West Leigh school, (to be built by NSC) and maybe creating a large primary school, by closing St Andrews Junior.
Community Hub and Nature Park – TW staff did not expand on what these sites might contain (in terms of any building), and sought feedback on these on its form.
Feedback Form – Residents were invited to fill out a short feedback form, for completion at the event, or by post later. There were 4 questions, and a space for any other comments.
- Which types of homes listed are needed?
- What community facilities are needed in the hub?
- What public open spaces should be provided?
- What measures would minimise the use of private cars?
Many attendees were disappointed that there were no specific questions on whether residents welcomed the proposal in general terms, and on highways implications. There will of course be the opportunity for comments once the planning application is published.
Impact on Backwell Crossroads. One revelation at the event that came as a shock to everyone was a suggestion which presumably is TW’s response to extra traffic that its housing would create on the A370. A confusing map was available on a side table showing Dark Lane being one way only at the crossroads traffic lights. This is covered below, after an introduction to the bus improvement scheme.
A large sum of money has been provided to NSC by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to improve bus services in our region. Details of the rationale can be found in a 136-page document.
West of England Bus Service Improvement Plan (n-somerset.gov.uk)
The implementation of this plan for 7 projects in North Somerset is given in 14 pages
bus_service_improvement_plan_package_1_scheme.pdf (n-somerset.gov.uk)
This has already provided the Long Ashton bypass bus lane and A38 bus lanes.
There is a proposal for bus lanes at the Brockley traffic lights, which is due to start next month. A key feature is that cars will not be allowed to turn right into Brockley Lane when travelling from the Backwell direction. Brockley Council is angry at the short time allowed for consultation on the scheme, which it strongly opposes, as it has minimal benefit for buses but creates additional mileage for cars. An expensive scheme will shave a few minutes off bus times and could cause disruption for up to 20 weeks during construction. A letter which allows for comment by Friday September 29th can be found here.
This change at Brockley will probably not affect many Backwell residents, (apart from an increase in traffic on Chelvey Lane) but is presented for those affected to see, and it also gives the background for any proposal for Backwell crossroads.
WECA has suggested that finance may be used in Backwell in a later phase, but we are not aware of any published detail or timescale. Backwell does not appear in the current list of projects, with Wrington and Congresbury yet to come.
However, a proposal for Backwell was presented at the drop-in event by a traffic consultant on behalf of TW, which included a map of the A370 crossroads.
Extra capacity on the A370 would be created by removing lights for entry to the junction from Dark Lane, which would be one-way only near the lights. Vehicles would be allowed to go up Dark Lane from the junction, but not exit Dark Lane into the junction.
This would give an increase in green light time for the A370 and Nailsea traffic.
This proposal caused much comment from those attending the event, with universal horror as far as could be detected. It would push traffic onto both branches of Church Lane either side of Dark Lane, creating longer journeys and congestion. TW does not have the responsibility for highways, but it will be interesting to see if this proposal is mentioned in its application, and what status the proposal has.
A series of in-person events are planned over the coming weeks, hosted by the leader of council Cllr Mike Bell and deputy leader Cllr Catherine Gibbons. The first event is :
TODAY – Wednesday 20 September, from 6.30pm at the Tithe Barn, Nailsea
Details are given in the link below:
Have your say on council plans | Elife (northsomersetlife.co.uk)
From your BRA Committee
4th September 2023
Dear Member,
Autumn has started with a significant move by Taylor Wimpey (TW) regarding Grove Farm, which is the main topic of this bulletin. We also have an update on the Gleeson application for 400 houses close to Backwell Lake.
This large site has been an aspiration by TW for housing for several years, including being in the Joint Spatial Plan and the latest draft of North Somerset Council’s Local Plan. It covers land from Moor Lane over to Chelvey Road and the A370, with a boundary near Rushmoor Lane. This proposal covers a significantly larger area than earlier ones, as it now includes the sites not only of Grove Farm but also Burnt House Farm. Please note, the Grove Farm land is NOT in the Green Belt.
Our bulletin (July 20th) explained that TW had submitted a request to North Somerset Council (NSC) for a “formal scoping opinion “on the Environmental Impact of the development. The request, and NSC’s response may be viewed on the NSC website (Planning ref 23/P/1437/EA2) These are technical matters which are agreed before a planning application is made.
TW has a duty to consult residents on its proposals, and has prepared a flyer which will go to all Backwell households and can be found here.
TW will be hosting a “community drop-in event” on Wednesday 13th September in Backwell WI Hall from 2.30pm – 8.30pm.
Further information is available on:
Redevelopment of Land at Grove Farm and Burnt House Farm, Backwell ‧ Taylor Wimpey
Timing: TW says that its application will be made in October or November 2023.
North Somerset Local Plan: A revised draft of the NS Local Plan is expected before the end of the year. This may or may not include this TW land.
Comments: TW is inviting public comments on its consultation via the flyer and the drop-in event. At the moment there is little information available on very important details of the proposal. This will emerge as part of the formal planning application.
When this stage is reached, members will know far more about the proposal, and comments made will go to NSC, which is the decision making body. Your comments then will be a vital part of the process, and we will urge everyone to be involved. It will be worth saving what you write, as no doubt there will be a subsequent need to reiterate this, with or without any amendments you choose to make.
Points relevant to this application include;
- 515 homes represent a 25% expansion of Backwell.
- Any transport “solutions” will need to address the impact on current traffic hotspots, including the Crossroads, Station Road and Rodney Road.
This development (ref 23/P/1145/OUT) was the subject of an application in the summer, and received 365 objections from the public. No decision has been made by NSC. Documents were posted on the following dates on the NSC website in August and members may be interested to see them
August 2nd Backwell Parish Council, BRA and Nailsea Town Council objection
The 3 organisations have joined forces to commission a report by Lucy White with strong objections supported by good planning reasons.
August 21st Natural England Response (covered in a 6-page report)
“Natural England objects to this proposal. As submitted, we consider it will have an adverse effect on the integrity of the North Somerset and Mendip Bats Special Area of Conservation (SAC) “
August 29th NSC Highways and Transport
A 15-page report by NSC “gave no recommendation” as further information from Gleeson was required.
From your BRA Committee
6th August 2023
Please see below the report produced by Lucy White Planning Limited on behalf of Backwell Parish Council (BPC), Backwell Residents Association (BRA) and Nailsea Town Council (NTC) in relation to the application by Gleeson for 400 houses (ref 23/P/1145/OUT).
Lucy White Planning Report 2nd August 2023
E mail Bulletin 20th July 2023
Dear Member
Following our bulletin regarding the Gleeson application for 400 houses, there is a need to also update you on two further developments, Even Keel and Grove Farm. Strangely everything seems to have deadlines in the summer holidays!!!
Gleeson Reminder. This development (ref 23/P/1145/OUT) requires members to comment by Friday August 4th – details were given in our bulletin of July 13th, which is now on the BRA website under News and Hot topics.
Even Keel (ref 22/P/0252/OUT) This requires action by Wednesday July 26th.
Original Application
This was an Outline Planning Application for the demolition of “Even Keel” and the erection of up to 55 no dwellings, in land off Moor Lane, shortly after the junction with The Briars. The original application was made in February 2022, and BRA made two lengthy objections.
North Somerset Council (NSC) did NOT make a decision on this application, but a “NSC PLACE DIRECORATE, HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT” report on 1st Sept 2022 was very critical, including statements such as …
The applicant has failed to provide a safe access on Moor Lane for vehicles and pedestrians as both road and pavement widths are below the Council’s approved standards.
The developers became aware of the number of serious objections / concerns from NSC and BRA, and asked for the application to be put on one side. They have now re-submitted a revised application (albeit with the same application number).
Revised Application
The re-submission is largely the same as the first, apart from a reduction in proposed housing numbers from 55 to 35.
BRA continues to consider this application is inappropriate and damaging, and will shortly be submitting their further formal objections. BRA is being advised by planning and transport consultants.
Our principal objections are:
- The proposed housing layout of a rigid site plan of small units is completely out of character with the surrounding area and existing properties in this part of Moor Lane
- The site layout is also too restrictive in terms of vehicle parking and manoeuvring -particularly for visitors, delivery vehicles, waste disposal and emergency vehicles etc
- The only vehicular access to the site is via Moor Lane, which particularly at its eastern end, is too narrow, and for a significant number of projected extra vehicle movements will cause a hazard for both vehicles and pedestrians
- Moor Lane leads to the junction with Station Road – and even with the reduced number of houses in this latest application, will put further unacceptable strain on this already congested road and junction
- The application provides for a number of affordable houses to be included – which would be a desirable addition to Backwell’s stock, but the concerns described above far outweigh this point
How to Comment
Public comments are requested by Wednesday 26th July, and it is important that residents do so if possible. However, NSC has said that “any comments received after this deadline will still be considered right up until the final decision is made.”
As ever, one can never be certain in the planning world, but members need to send a revised comment on the revised application, even if only to say that their views have not changed.
Go to 22/P/0252/OUT and make a comment
Grove Farm (Ref 23/P/1437/EA2) 515 dwellings on land around the farm
This is a NOT a planning application, but members should be aware of preparatory activity by Taylor Wimpey (TW).
This site has been an aspiration by TW for housing for several years, including being in NSC’s Joint Structure Plan and the draft Local Plan. It has not yet been the subject of a planning application, but has been one of the possibilities for development, given that this land is not in Green Belt.
The current request from TW is a Request for a formal scoping opinion to determine the scope of an Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed development of up to 515 dwellings.
On the NSC website, there are only 3 documents, one of which shows the site. The main one is a scoping report – of 98 pages!! (If this seems large – the documents for a major decision usually need a trolley load of boxes!) It can be viewed on 23/P/1437/EA2
This is a common approach made by a developer, to agree with the local authority on the level of detail that would be required in a formal assessment that would appear in a planning application. The purpose is to have a common understanding and agreement on those items that are relevant, and not to waste time of both parties on items that would not influence the application decision.
No action is required by members at this stage. However, a scoping opinion is normally a precursor to an actual application sometime in the future. BRA thinks it could well be a consideration for the Local Plan.
From your BRA Committee
E mail Bulletin 13th July 2023
Planning Application (Ref 23/P/1145/OUT) by Gleeson to build 400 houses South of Nailsea, close to Backwell Lake
Dear Member
PLEASE make your view known to North Somerset Council (NSC) by August 4th – your response is important
This was featured in our bulletin of 22nd of June following Gleeson’s application for outline planning permission. We have now received initial advice from our planning consultant and are in a position to give guidance to members on making comments.
The development site is shown on the map below. All the housing will be within Nailsea’s boundary but the only proposed access road crosses into Backwell Parish, very close to the houses in Station Close. The junction with Station Road is achieved by demolishing 87, Station Road. We are awaiting further technical reports on Highways / Traffic, Flooding, and Ecology which will be included in BRA’s response. This will be on our website under “News and Hot Topics” when available.
The current national position on housing targets is uncertain, and the new NSC will be producing a new draft Local Plan later this year. In the meantime, developers are well aware that NSC cannot demonstrate a 5-year Land Supply.
The Gleeson Development area is shown in red outline, along with the yellow access road onto Station Road. (BRA schematic based on Design & Access statement).
Planning points which could lead to Approval by NSC include
- The development area is NOT in the current Green Belt
- It was included in a draft “Local Plan 2038”
- NSC has still not achieved its 5-year Land Supply housing numbers
- NSC has approved developments in the past, stating that the increased traffic would only have a marginal impact (in contrast to local views)
We should not be complacent, and we urge members to make their views known.
Planning points that could lead to Refusal
- The development is not in the current Local Plan and is therefore premature
- The Strategic Gap between Backwell & Nailsea has been considered important by planners in retaining the separate identities. It would be compromised by this development
- Transport issues could be significant with this large development
- The area is prone to flooding, including the houses on Station Close
BRA is working closely with Backwell Parish Council and Nailsea Town Council to have a good common understanding of the planning issues, reports from the Environment Agency on flooding, traffic counts, wildlife etc. Public comments will have little impact if they are clearly seen as copies of material produced by our consultants. Residents are not expected to know planning laws, but their views are respected on how a development would affect them personally e.g., traffic issues, use of footpaths, tranquillity, landscape, flooding etc.
There are 85 documents for this application on the website. Many are very technical. However, a good understanding can be achieved by looking at just two of these – Design & Access Statement and Planning Statement – both with a 5th of June date.
It would be counterproductive for BRA to provide a list of points, for members to cut and paste into the comments box. Instead, we have given a box diagram of possible topics for members to amplify with their own experiences. Examples could be “walking my dog round the lake every day”, experiences with the current Station Road traffic, enjoyment from the wildlife of the area etc. Speaking from the heart is useful from residents, leaving comments on core strategies etc to the professionals! It is best if members only mention issues on which they have strong views.
How to comment
Go to 23/P/1145/OUT and “Make a comment”, by the closing date of Friday 4th of August. The box diagram to help you can be found here Gleeson Houses Box Diagram Final
This online version allows you to use your own words in the box provided (“Your Comment”).
Tithe Barn Meeting – Tuesday July 25th at 7.30pm
Nailsea Town Council is holding a public meeting to hear views on the Gleeson application, which should give attendees more background on their proposals.
E mail Bulletin 22nd June 2023
Dear Member
We were delighted that 126 people attended our AGM on April 18th, which was our highest attendance ever. Since then, it has been a relatively quiet time for planning activities, with local government elections and uncertainty at the national level regarding the planning policies.
This peaceful interlude was suddenly broken this week, with the application to North Somerset Council (NSC) by developers Gleeson for outline planning permission, which is the main topic of this bulletin. We also give an update on the ex-MICA site at Backwell crossroads.
The proposal by Gleeson was mentioned on the front cover of the March 2023 BRA Newsletter.
This has now emerged as an outline planning application on the NSC website 23/P/1145/OUT. It is for up to 400 houses including the demolition of 87 Station Road (the house nearest to the Lake entrance). The access road into the site will be between the Station car park and the Lake entrance.
There are 75 documents on the website, many of which are of a technical nature. A good summary is given in the 111 page “Design an Access Statement“, which is one of the first documents shown in the list of documents as published on 5th June. There is clearly much reading to be done!!
The application can be viewed on NSC website on this link 23/P/1145/OUT
We will provide members with BRA’s assessment of the application well before the closing date for comments of Friday July 21st. We urge members to make their views known.
BRA will be working with Backwell Parish Council and Nailsea Town Council, as the 3 organisations share similar concerns about the application.
EX-MICA SITE Planning Application Ref 22/P/2428/FUL
The application to convert the ex-MICA buildings on the corner of Dark Lane and the A370 into a site total of 2×2 bed flats, and 2×3 bed 3 storey dwellings has been refused by North Somerset Council (NSC). BRA objected to the proposals, along with Backwell Parish Council. There were 16 public objections and 7 comments in favour. Details can be viewed on the NSC website on this link 22/P/2428/FUL
There was a common theme in many of the public comments relating to the current site being an “eyesore”.
The main reasons given by NSC for refusal, were the cramped form of overdevelopment, plus an adverse impact on neighbours, and the design, siting and scale of development which would be out of character with its surroundings. There was also the loss of retail activity which is in conflict with our Neighbourhood Plan, reducing the vitality and viability of Backwell local centre.
It is hoped that a revised application will address the reasons for objection, and Backwell will lose its eyesore!!
From your BRA Committee
E mail Bulletin 12th April 2023
Dear Member
We urge all members to come to our AGM on Tuesday 18th April 2023 from 7pm to 9pm in the
Sixth Form Lecture Theatre at Backwell School access via Meadow Close
The formal aspects of the AGM will be kept to a minimum so that we can devote most of the time to the matters covered in our annual newsletter, including a presentation from Lucy White, our planning consultant.
Since printing our Annual Newsletter, we draw your attention to two further developments.
Land Value Alliances (LVA). LVA have publicised their intention to make an application for a large development on land at the northern edge of Nailsea. The site is almost all in Green Belt and the flood plain, and is important for wildlife. A point in its favour is that it has access points off the B3130 towards Failand and Clevedon, which do not impinge on the rest of Nailsea, or indeed Station Road, Backwell. This site has not appeared in any plan, so is only a “Developers Intention” at this stage. It is likely that LVA will make an approach to North Somerset Council for consideration, following a public exhibition held at Nailsea Town Council offices in late March.
Bristol Airport Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). Bristol Airport has been granted a CPO on land next to the A38 at Lulsgate Bottom.
When added to land the Airport currently owns, significant areas of land become available for road improvements to the junction of the A38 with both Downside Road and the road towards Felton. The land available is shown on the map below. Details of the proposals, are given on:
Backwell Parish Council – Annual Meeting of Electors 7.30pm Thursday 27th of April at Backwell Parish Hall. The agenda is on the Parish Council website – the link to which can be found here. This is an open meeting for parishioners to hear presentations (including ones from The Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and Backwell organisations) and to make their views known. Please note that there are currently 4 vacancies on the Parish Council. If you feel you might like to offer your services, please contact the Parish Clerk on clerk@backwell-pc.gov.uk.
BRA Newsletter March 2023. This was distributed to all households in early April. It has details of our AGM, and updates on the topics to be discussed. It can be seen on the BRA website under “Other Information”.
From your BRA Committee
E mail Bulletin 15th March 2023
Dear Member
Taylor Wimpey (TW) has been granted OUTLINE permission for this development in the field beyond the Scout Hut. There are important other items (known as Reserved Matters (RM)) that need to be agreed between TW and North Somerset Council (NSC) before FULL permission can be applied for. RM include the scale and layout, and S 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments from TW.
TW held a public exhibition of its proposals in the WI Hall on Wednesday, March 8th and is seeking feedback, prior to it submitting the RM to NSC for agreement.
The original outline application by TW can be viewed on:
If you feel inclined to record your personal views, please follow the link below and use the ‘Have Your Say’ button.
Redevelopment of Rodney Road, Backwell ‧ Taylor Wimpey
You can add free text at Question 8 and 11.
It is also possible to comment via email to Land.TWB@taylorwimpey.com
Your response could also be copied to our local District Councillor, Bridget Petty on
bridget.petty@n-somerset.gov.uk and to Backwell Parish Council on clerk@backwell-pc.gov.uk.
BRA has submitted comments to Taylor Wimpey, which are given in the attached file.
They also shown below:
From your BRA Committee
Letter from BRA to Taylor Wimpey 14th March 2023
Rodney Road Backwell – Planning Application ref: 20/P/1847/OUT
Dear Sirs
Backwell Residents Association (BRA) has monitored the long saga of this application – submitted in 2020 – up to the public exhibition held in Backwell on 8 March. You will be aware that, along with the majority of local residents, we strongly opposed this application. We accept that consent has now been granted and that the process of the LPA approving conditions and Reserved Matters is underway.
Attached is a list of our continuing concerns – we consider TW has not fully addressed a number of detailed obligations and safety procedures, particularly immediately outside the site boundary, but which remain TW’s responsibility. We ask that further analysis of these potential concerns and difficulties is undertaken. BRA will be seeking to ensure the LPA monitors all such issues closely.
If it is felt local input would be helpful – we will do what we can to assist this process.
Yours faithfully
Michael Rose – on behalf of BRA
BRA is a member organisation with over 430 paid-up member households in Backwell, which seeks to monitor the well-being of activities and life in the village. We appreciated the recent Taylor Wimpey exhibition, explaining their proposals for development on the Rodney Road field. This provided some helpful answers and reassurances – but also left a number of serious concerns and queries, which we wish to further highlight before development proceeds.
- TW reps. are aware of the major concerns about safety, particularly close to the site entrance. We have been left with the impression TW is not concerned with road details outside their red-line site boundary. This is unacceptable. There needs to be more detailed analysis and agreement with the Planning Authority (and local residents?) on such issues as:
- The precise road alignment around the proposed “roundabout”
- Possible parking restrictions at busy times
- Street lighting
- Vehicular and pedestrian access into the Playing fields and Scout hut frontage
- Safety features for the hundreds of youngsters crossing the new road in the Scout hut area each week
- Details of the necessary footpath upgrade at the bottom end of the development site into the Playing Fields
- The available details do not demonstrate clearly how to most safely engineer the new estate road into the site and the gradient up and around the right-angle bend
- Detailed agreement must be reached with the owners of the bungalow – 18 Rodney Road, – whose “quiet enjoyment” of their property will be seriously diminished, to provide a sound-proof and attractively landscaped barrier on their boundary
- Construction Period:
- TW must agree suitably agreed restrictions on construction traffic to avoid disruption and safety hazards at crucial times (e.g., school start / finish times)
- The well-used footpath from the Scout hut area to West Leigh School – a vital pedestrian link – should remain open at all times
- Because of the proximity of the school – pile-drivers and other noisy / dusty equipment should be prohibited if at all possible
- More detail on Section 106 provisions and CIL contributions should be discussed and agreed with local residents (as well as the Planning Authorities) whenever possible
Above all – we would like to see further discussion and agreement on many of the outstanding issues referred to above – before construction starts – before it is too late to discuss potential changes (potentially together with Backwell Parish Council and / or NSC Planning Officers?).
M. Rose 14/03/23
E mail Bulletin 28th February 2023
Dear Member
Taylor Wimpey has been granted OUTLINE permission for this development in the field beyond the Scout Hut. There are important other matters (known as Reserved Matters) that need to be agreed between TW and North Somerset Council (NSC) before FULL permission can be applied for. Reserved matters will include the access to the site (which has been the cause of much concern), drainage, and Section 106 payments from TW.
TW is holding a public exhibition of its more detailed proposals in the WI Hall on Wednesday 8th March from 3pm to 7pm.
TW is seeking feedback, prior to it submitting the reserved matters to NSC for agreement.
Some details are available on the TW website;
Redevelopment of Rodney Road, Backwell ‧ Taylor Wimpey
NSC has written a draft strategy for increasing the uptake of electric vehicles until 2030. They are hoping to hear your views on the strategy.
North Somerset Electric Vehicle Strategy
The above website gives a link to a 3-page summary, and a 13-page report and also to the on-line questionnaire which is open until Thursday 6th April 2023.
New bus lanes are to be created on roads in North Somerset, for the A370, A38 and A369, with work starting in mid-March.
Full details of the changes are available on the NSC website.
Bus service improvement plan | North Somerset Council (n-somerset.gov.uk)
We have just become aware of the “Notice of Intent” for the creation of the bus lanes on the Long Ashton bypass. This can be accessed by the following link:
15 Feb – notice of intent – bus lane on Long Ashton by-pass (n-somerset.gov.uk)
This gives details of how to make comments by 5pm on Friday 10th March.
The Centre for Sustainable Energy volunteers are holding a Draught Proofing Workshop and providing energy saving advice at Nailsea Library, at 10 o’clock, for about one hour, on Saturday 18th March.
The workshop is free to attend and there will be some free draught proofing samples available to take away. It is an excellent opportunity to raise any issues you may have. To ensure that enough space is allocated for those who wish to attend please book your ticket at:
If you would like a workshop to be organised specifically for your community group, please get in touch with Helen at:
E mail Bulletin 7th February 2023
Dear Member
You may recall a BRA bulletin dated 8th January 2023, which explained the concept of Reserved Matters (RM) associated with Persimmon’s application to build 125 houses on Farleigh Fields. They were given outline permission for the development, but North Somerset Council (NSC) would need to approve some 35 documents of RM.
The BRA bulletin encouraged members to comment on these to NSC.
The documents may be viewed here 22/P/2818/RM
The following statement from NSC was issued yesterday;
“NSC has just been informed that Persimmon have withdrawn their reserved matters application for Farleigh Fields in the light of comments on the website, where they note concerns about flooding, the outfall, design parameters and landscaping. They have concluded that they should withdraw the application, review these matters and they say that the company is committed to delivering this scheme in Backwell with quality design, placemaking and customer service at its heart, and given its significance for Persimmon and North Somerset Council, want to work with us in a spirit of partnership and collaboration”
Many aspects of the RM were unsatisfactory, and among the “Public Comments there were some exceptionally well researched and persuasive points made by members of the public. BRA has commissioned technical advice and remains an active member of the Backwell Parish Council Working Party on Farleigh Fields.
Persimmon will need to consider the objections carefully, and produce a set of RM that NSC will approve.
This is a pause, NOT a withdrawal – the original consent still remains in force. However – it is a demonstration that strong, valid, local objection can be valuable, giving a better outcome for Backwell.
E mail Bulletin 27th January 2023
Dear Member
We understand that the outcome of the Bristol Airport judicial review will be announced on Tuesday 31st January. The High Court will have determined whether the Bristol Airports consent to expand to 12 million passengers pa is lawful.
EX-MICA SITE Planning Application Ref 22/P/2428/FUL
The BRA bulletin of 18th of January made reference to this application which can be viewed on the North Somerset Council (NSC) website:
Following the last bulletin there are now 7 public comments on the NSC website, of which 6 are objections, including one from BRA, which is given at the foot of this email.
Whilst the current Backwell Neighbourhood Plan 2014 – 26 (BNP) is now some 8 years old, the BRA committee considers it still has much relevance for today. The Plan can be found here.
Section 10 (page 15) covers “Village shops, services and the local centre”, and is worth reading. Planning policy 2 states:
Development proposals …. will be supported provided that they are appropriate to the size and character of the village, support the creation of a safe, attractive and accessible shopping and business environment. An additional consideration will be whether nearby parking is adequate or more is provided. Appropriate proposals for mixed use, with apartments or flats, will be accepted where this is necessary to improve the viability of commercial premises.
The BRA objection on the NSC website draws attention to the failure of this application to comply with many aspects of the BNP, e.g. in its design for an important location in our village, and pedestrian safety, especially for children.
If members wish to comment, please do so on the NSC website before the closing date of Monday 13th February, by clicking “Make a Comment”
Tuesday April 18th, 7pm to 9pm, at our usual venue in Backwell School.
We are grateful to over 430 households who were BRA members in 2022. A high membership level means that our comments are taken seriously, and the £10 subscriptions enable us to employ professional help when required, as it is at the moment! You can download the 2023 Membership Form here which gives details of payment method by cash, cheque or bank transfer. We should be most grateful if you would send your subscription promptly so we have a good start to 2023.
BRA Response to EX-MICA SITE Planning Application Ref 22/P/2428/FUL
Backwell Residents Association (BRA) is a local membership organisation representing over 430 paid up households. It objects to this application.
Whilst it is accepted that the current site and buildings have become an eyesore in recent times and reflect badly on the use and appearance of this important site, the new proposals are a disappointment, and fail to adequately provide the necessary design qualities which this location requires.
The proposal – all residential use – fails to comply with Backwell’s Neighbourhood Plan (Planning Policy CENTRES 1 -3) – i.e., any development in the identified village centre should not damage the vitality and viability of the Local Centre). This proposal removes an important commercial use location in the centre of the village. BRA would ideally prefer to see a continued mix of ground floor commercial use together with some residential.
One of the proposed structures comprises two semi-detached dwellings, and is three storey. Whilst it is noted its overall height is no greater than the adjoining existing (two-storey) property, three storeys is out of character with the surrounding area – notably the rest of the Dark Lane dwellings – and unacceptable aesthetically. We are also concerned about over-shadowing of the adjoining bungalows in Farleigh Road.
The proposed two storey structure is in a crucial location on the corner of the junction as one approaches the village centre from the east. It should be much more prominent and complement the prominent buildings on the other three corners of this junction. The application fails to take the opportunity to provide this and is unacceptable in both external design and town planning terms.
The proposal designates 7 car spaces. The one closest to the junction would create a safety hazard with access/egress far too close to the busy (light controlled) junction. If this is deleted, the site provides inadequate car parking to meet current standards and fails to include provision for visitor spaces. Secondly, the proposed layout provides for cars crossing the narrow pavement which is used daily by many often unsupervised small schoolchildren and would cause a further potential traffic hazard.
The site is over-developed, with inadequate provision, close to this busy junction, for temporary parking/stopping of delivery vehicles, refuse collection vehicles etc, which will inevitably cause traffic difficulties.
E mail Bulletin 18th January 2023
Dear Member
There are several matters of interest which have emerged this week, making a fuller bulletin than usual.
Backwell Recycling Centre to remain open | North Somerset Council (n-somerset.gov.uk)
At noon today, North Somerset Council (NSC) announced that it will NOT be closing the recycling centre.
The councillors have “listened to residents and the strong feeling against proposals to close Backwell Recycling Centre and acted on this by removing this from next year’s budget.”
The full statement can be viewed via the above link to the NSC website.
EX-MICA SITE Ref 22/P/2428/FUL
Many members will be familiar with the old Chorley hardware store, renamed as MICA. It was a popular shop, with useful parking outside. The site has been largely unused for several years, and become an eyesore.
A planning application has been made for 4 dwellings on the site. There will be a two-storey building on the site of the existing shop – a two bed flat on each of two floors. The footprint and height look very similar to the existing building. Towards the rear of the site, and set back – a new building comprising two 3 storey, 3 bed semi-detached houses. 7 car spaces will be provided on Dark Lane for the 4 dwellings.
The BRA committee is considering its response and will report to members well before the closing date of Monday 13th of February. The application can be viewed on:
There is an unconfirmed report that this will open as a café “within a few weeks”
The Centre for Sustainable Energy volunteers are holding Draught Proofing Workshops and providing energy saving advice on the following dates at Nailsea Library at 10 o’clock for about one hour:
- Friday 17th of February
- Saturday 18th of March
These workshops are free to attend and there will be some free draught proofing samples available to take away. So that they are able to ensure they have enough space for those who wish to attend please book your ticket at:
If you would like a workshop to be organised specifically for your community group, please get in touch with Helen at:
NSC is encouraging Active Travel – i.e. non-motorised and mainly walking or cycling. Members may comment on two consultations.
“Place and Movement Framework”
This new framework sets out the guiding principles for how NSC will classify every road, street and lane in North Somerset. This may be viewed via a 5-page summary of the Place and Movement Framework which can be found here
There is no questionnaire but comments on this may be given by email to transport.policy@n-somerset.gov.uk
“Active Travel” Questionnaire
This is described on
Active Travel Action Plans – North Somerset Council Consultations (inconsult.uk)
There is a helpful 4-page summary provided, along with 7 Active Action Travel Plans.
NSC says: Please use this accessible online questionnaire to let us know what you think.
If you do need the questionnaire in another format, contact us by email at transport.policy@n-somerset.gov.uk
The closing time for comments on responses for both the Place and Movement Framework and the Active Travel Questionnaire is 10am on Monday Feb 20th.
We have booked our BRA AGM on Tuesday 18th of April, 7pm to 9pm, at our usual venue in Backwell School. We hope as many of our members as possible will come to this important meeting, so please put the date in your diary. More details nearer the time.
We are grateful to over 430 households who were BRA members in 2022. A high membership level means that our comments are taken seriously, and the £10 subscriptions enable us to employ professional help when required, as it is at the moment! You can download the 2023 Membership Form here which gives details of payment method by cash, cheque or bank transfer. We should be most grateful if you would send your subscription promptly so we have a good start to 2023.
NSC and Backwell Parish Council elections will take place in Backwell Parish Hall on Thursday 4th of May 2023.Please note that for the first time, a photo ID will be required. Full details are available on the link Voter ID | Electoral Commission
There is no need for a photo ID with a postal vote, and how to do this is given in “Apply to vote by Post”, on the same link.
E mail Bulletin 8th January 2023
Dear Member
At the start of this New Year, we send our very best wishes to our member households and hope that we can continue to keep Backwell a great community and place in which to live.
Farleigh Fields (FF)
One of the unfortunate decisions last year was from the Government Inspector in June ruling in favour of granting outline permission to Persimmon to build up to 125 houses on Farleigh Fields. The permission was subject to some important items to be submitted by Persimmon at later dates for approval by North Somerset Council (NSC). These are known as Reserved Matters (RM), and some 35 documents have been provided by Persimmon so far. They cover such matters as house numbers by size and type, technical details for drainage, tree planting, plan for a play area, and refuse collection! Assuming these, and others still to come, can be agreed between Persimmon and NSC, the final stage will be the complete documentation for the full detailed application.
The documents may be viewed here 22/P/2818/RM
We have summarised the points of interest from the reserved matters, which we think will be of most interest to members – whether or not they wish to comment on them.
The “Housing Mix” Document provided the following information:
Number of Houses | |
Private |
79 |
Social |
26 |
Shared Ownership |
8 |
Total built by Persimmon |
113 |
Self-Build |
6 |
Total Houses built |
119 |
Split by House size | |
1 bed |
6 |
2 bed |
68 (60 houses and 8 apartments) |
3 bed |
36 |
4 bed |
3 |
Total |
113 |
“Street Scenes”, “Site Layout” , “Boundary Treatment” and “Local Play Area” documents provide other points of interest.
- Three house designs will be used for the 60 two bedded houses, being 35, 17 and 8 houses, respectively, for the Alnmouth, Danbury and Wareham designs.
- It is intended that the playground and other open space will be contained within in the site, with limited access to outsiders.
- A pond will be created as part of drainage measures, which can be seen in the Site Layout document.
- Some documents are of a detailed technical nature, many of which are non-controversial.
Next Steps
If members wish to make comments to NSC, this can be done by clicking on the “Make a Comment” on the website via the above link. The deadline for comments is Thursday February 2nd 2023.
BRA is working through the Backwell Parish Council (BPC) FF Working Party, with NSC and with technical advisers – particularly on drainage issues. BRA will monitor any further documents produced, and take a view on whether there is merit in employing an expert to help make a BRA comment.
On a related matter, the BPC FF Working Party, on which BRA is represented, continues to explore the option for BPC to purchase the Local Green Space part of Farleigh Fields from Persimmon for £1.
Footpaths to Jubilee Stone
Residents were shocked last summer when a popular footpath to the Jubilee Stone was closed by the landowner. We encouraged members to provide a witness statement if they had made use of the paths. BPC is coordinating this activity and has submitted an application to NSC (with over 80 witness statements) to have three paths in the field recorded as Public Rights of Way. This might take a year before a decision is made.
A recent development, which members may not have seen as the ground has been so wet for walking, is the use of “Anti Climb Paint” on a new barricade between the Jubilee Stone and the large field. This is shown in the photo. BPC is checking to see if this can be challenged. The paint has a sticky texture and is unpleasant to the touch.